EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sinner, Sinners Advocate’s client when he approaches mercy seat 6T 364    [405]
    shown motives and hidden actions UL 301.6
    skill lacking in restoration of TSB 242.2
    speak to; God may be moving on their hearts PM 285.1
       aloof from HP 310.4
       in the way of, by opening to wrong advice TMK 319.3
    struggling, Christ and Holy Spirit work for OHC 101.4
    supply of grace awaiting the demand of HP 34.4
    sympathy for, after own weakness is understood LHU 225.7
    teaching, that they are not amenable to the law TMK 294.4
    tenderness in working for TSB 261.3
    trials of, Christ’s support for; can’t be borne alone OHC 201.4
    truth of law is the kindest thing that can be preached to FW 96.3
    unrepenting, See Sinners, persistent
    unworthiness of, and Christ’s worthiness TDG 261.5
    urged to leave sin but not told what it is FW 117.2
    will is not humbled by proud TMK 56.2
    working for,
       as we become one with God in purpose TDG 117.5
       for conviction and conversion TDG 70.5