EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Seventy weeks   [52]
    end of: gospel preached to Gentiles at DA 233-4;GC 328;PK 699;
       Jewish nation sealed its rejection of Christ at GC 328, 410;PK 699;
       Paul converted shortly after DA 233;GC 328;PK 699;
       Stephen stoned at DA 233;GC 328;PK 699;
    ended in A.D. 34 DA 233;GC 327-8, 410;PK 699;
    first half of, Christ preached to Jews during DA 233;GC 327;PK 699;
    last half of, apostles preached to Jews during DA 233;GC 327;PK 699;
    midst of: Christ was crucified at DA 233-4;GC 327-8, 410;PK 699;
       in spring of A.D. 31 DA 233;GC 327-8;PK 699;
       sacredness and significance of sacrificial service departed at DA 233;GC 327-8;
       time for sacrifice and oblation to cease DA 233;GC 327-8;
       veil of temple was rent at DA 233