EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Righteousness   [758]
       humble gospel workers TM 216
       persons working to save higher classes 6T 82
       us when we fulfill God’s purpose in restaurant work 7T 120
    gospel workers not clothed with, will appear in shame of their own nakedness 5T 81
    great men of God have trusted wholly in COL 160
    how, becomes our righteousness MYP 107;1SM 367;5T 229;
    hunger and thirst for, we must FE 240
    imparted: is priceless gift TM 92
       our fitness for heaven is MYP 35
       through faith to all who receive Him as personal Saviour COL 310
       we are sanctified by MYP 35
       white raiment is 4T 88
    imparted to: every repentant sinner 6BC 1096;1SM 241;
       helpless human agent TM 92
       souls who let Him take away their sins 7BC 972
       us when we cling to God by faith Ev 596
    imputed: comes through justifying faith 1SM 397
       compared to change of raiment 5T 469
       dream re A. T. Jones’s presentation of subject of 1SM 377
       enables man to stand against devil’s wiles SD 346