EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Redeemed soul, Redeemed souls   [269]
    invited by Christ to the Holy City HP 356.3
    join angels in song of triumph HP 216.6
    joy in speaking with, for whom you labored; (ransomed) RC 243.9
    love of Father and Son appreciated as never before by TMK 371.4
    meet ones in heaven who directed them to Christ RC 257.8
    meeting of, in the city of God TDG 333.2
    place among, based on character tested by God’s standard TDG 320.5
    presented to Christ without spot or wrinkle TMK 61.5
    rejoice going forth to meet the Bridegroom OHC 367.5
    remember those who helped in their salvation UL 63.7
    reward of, unutterable bliss FLB 354.5
    science and song of, begins with the cross RC 295.4
    share dignity and privileges of angels HP 367.2
    shine forth,
       in the glory of the Father and Son Mar 39.5
       when Christ comes HP 211.5
    sing hosannas HP 371.4
    singing with, learn here the song for FW 78.4
    song(s) of,
       is praise to God which must be learned here TMK 168.5