EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Prophet, Prophets   [191]
       Judah would not heed PK 382-3
       ten tribes of kingdom of Israel rejected PK 333
       what would have happened if Israel had heeded PK 297
    mind of, guided in selection of what to speak and write GC 6-7
    mission of, to Israel DA 618
    mistakes could be made by, when not under inspiration of Spirit 6BC 1065
    Moses referred to one, as greater than he DA 135
    Moses was greater than PP 396;4aSG 27;
    moved by strong divine impulse to do their duty 2BC 1034
    no, ever claimed to be without sin COL 160
    no dead, comes between Christ and sinner 7BC 914
    not infallible 6BC 1065
    not permitted to enter most holy place of sanctuary GW 21
    not protected by God when he deviates from line of duty PK 106
    Obadiah hid, in cave and fed them PK 138-9;3T 277;
    OT: Christ spoke through DA 590
       Malachi was last of PK 708
       were Christians 6BC 1061
    outside of Jewish nation, foretold appearance of Messiah DA 33
       Spirit was imparted to DA 33