EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Power, Powers   [531]
    gospel work will not close with less, than marked its opening GC 611-2
    gospel worker’s, Spirit is source of GW 289
    how church gradually lost her EW 227
    how God’s people can acquire more, to do more and better work TM 166
    human character transformed by FE 332
    human effort must co-operate with DA 535;PP 248;
    imparted by Christ to co-operate with human effort PP 64;8T 56;
    imparted for obedience and for service DA 668
    in path of humble obedience 4T 76
    individual, gospel workers need 3T 497
    indwelling Saviour makes His, man’s property 7T 71
    inspires and gives courage to act 3T 188
    invincible ML 331
       attributes that give MYP 35
    irresistible: promised to Christ’s followers DA 679-80
       qualities that clothe men with CT 226
       works for salvation of souls DA 347;MH 100;
    lack of, found in ourselves 5T 161
       hinders coming of God’s kingdom 6T 438
       in Israel EW 73