EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mother, Mothers MH 371-8    [970]
    more irritable than their children FE 150
    need of women who are, in every sense that the word implies 3T 565
    needing: lessons in cooking are many CD 263;MM 270;
       self-improvement 2T 297
       to show more tender pity and affection 2T 436-7
    neglecting: children to embroider AH 197
       children to keep up her house AH 155
       children’s mental and moral training makes sad mistake AH 21
       education of children by her dress and parties 3T 562
    household duties for reading 2T 434
    sacred trust committed to them 3T 564
    negligent, an appeal to CG 556
    nervous, easily excited and irritated 2T 558
    nobly overcoming difficulties AH 248;WM 151-2;
    not uniform in treatment of children MH 390;4T 141;
    nursing: CD 228;CH 79-80;
       how nourishment of infant is affected by CH 79-80
       imparts her quality of blood to child CD 228
       need of calm spirit and perfect self-control in CD 228;CH 80;
       need much rest and pleasant exercise MH 381