EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Medical patient, Medical patients are benefited by care amid beautiful scenes of nature MH 262-4    [74]
    overtaxed from labor, in nine cases out of ten inactivity injures 1T 568
    physical labor is better for, than certain amusements 4T 94
    physician who attends, in cold and indifferent way MH 244
    physician who offends his, so that they hate him 3T 181-2
    physician who was too reticent in speaking to, re God MM 147-8
    physician’s duty as med. missionary to 6T 229-34
    physician’s duty to instruct, re need of healthful living MH 113-4;4T 569;7T 74-5;
    physician’s spirit and demeanor vitally affects 3T 182-3
    physician’s spiritual influence affects 4T 101
    physicians should listen to what is said by 4T 99-100
    physicians should point, to Great Healer MH 244
    physicians should speak words of sympathy and encouragement to 4T 99-100
    physicians who conceal from, nature and cause of his disease MH 245
    plans should be devised to keep, out of doors MH 264-5
    room of: care of CH 55-9;MH 219-24;
       sunlight in, importance of MH 220
       ventilation and temperature of CH 55-9;MH 220-1;
    sanitarium See Sanitarium patient
    should not remain inactive and idle in most cases 1T 567-8
    souls as well as lives of, are at stake 4T 566