EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Kingdom, Kingdoms   [233]
    God’s people seek to be fitted for heavenly society in 2T 588
    how to be fitted for society of angels in SL 83;2T 78, 355;
    man in his present state cannot enter GC 323
    men are to be fitted for society of angels in 2T 591;3T 162;
    moral fitness for, how to acquire 2T 355
    New Jerusalem as capital and representative of GC 426-8
    not established at first advent MB 107-9
    not yet ushered in GC 416
    persons who will sing song of triumph in CH 264
    redeemed will enjoy society of angels in 4T 118
    redeemed will have stars in crown in 4T 358
    represented by throne of glory GC 347
    represented in miniature, at Christ’s transfiguration DA 421-2;EW 164;PK 227;
    second advent message announces DA 234
    sinner must receive God’s grace before he can be fit for COL 96
    still future GC 347;MB 108-9;
    will endure forever and ever EW 151;PK 548;
    will have no end GC 651
    will not come till gospel of grace is carried to all earth MB 108-9
3. Christ’s—of grace