EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Judgment of God, Judgments of God about to fall on world 6T 407    [165]
    upon impenitent world is being delayed TM 458
    use of intoxicating liquor is bringing, upon earth CH 432
    visitation of: Judah was long spared PK 425
       many professed believers taking course leading to 5T 350-1
       third angel’s message is to be given to world before GC 449
    visited upon: Ahab 5T 191
       Ananias and Sapphira AA 72
       antediluvian world GW 126;PP 90-104;
       Belshazzar MYP 229
       David because of his sin PP 722
       disobedient church leaders 8T 219
       Herod Agrippa I AA 151-2;SR 297-300;
       impenitent world at second advent PK 389-90
       Jerusalem symbolize events of second coming TM 232
       King Ahaziah of Israel 5T 191-2
       Korah and his followers PP 395-405;3T 350-2;
       lands refusing to submit to Nebuchadnezzar 4T 169
       persons who seek to destroy His people GC 627
       Sodom PP 156-70
       the wicked during time of trouble EW 33-4