EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Jerusalem   [206]
    God’s people have, in their houses and churches TM 346
    ministers who should tarry in, till endowed with power from on high 2T 120
    mission in, in 1850‘s that would accomplish no real good EW 75
    mistaken zeal to go to EW 75;TM 345-6;
    modern, danger of building Battle Creek up into 8T 133, 150
    never will be built up as center of God’s work EW 75
    new See New Jerusalem
    not more highly favored than God’s people today 4T 191-2
    of world, impression should not prevail that Battle Creek was FE 365
    sin of, repeated at Battle Creek 8T 67-8, 133-4
    spending money to send men to TM 345-6
    Christ proclaimed first in, where shameful work had been done TDG 341.4
    Christ wept over, just before His crucifixion TDG 109.4
    destruction of,
       end of world typified by LDE 18
       scenes in day of Lord worse than 3SM 417
       seen by Christ TDG 109.7
       warning of, unheeded HP 343.4
    door shut to disbelieving inhabitants of TDG 235.5
    New, See New Jerusalem