EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    reprover of sin DA 587;GC 606;PK 119;
    revolution expected by, in kingdom of Israel 3T 290
    route taken by, from Gilead to Samaria PK 121;3T 274;
    safer among heathen than with rebellious Israel AA 430
    safety found by, many months in mountains by brook Cherith DA 360;PK 129, 168;3T 288;
    schools of prophets re-established by PK 224-5
    schools of prophets visited by, shortly before his translation FE 512;PK 225;
    search for, after translation PP 88
    second person never to come under death’s power DA 421
    sent to anoint Jehu king over Israel PK 170
    slept outside of walls of Jezreel PK 159;3T 288;
    son of widow of Zarephath restored to life by DA 219;PK 131;
    spirit and power of PK 177-89
       first angel’s message was preached in EW 233
       God’s message for today is proclaimed in PK 716
       John the Baptist preached with 5BC 1089;DA 104, 135, 215;EW 155, 259;3T 62;Te 91;
       somebody is to come in 1SM 412;TM 475;
       stirs hearts to reform 3T 64
    Spirit came upon, in work of reformation GC 606
    spirit of, how God softened and subdued PK 169