EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Disciple of Christ, Disciples of Christ   [299]
    first: chosen from ranks of common people Ed 85
       fishermen CH 317;DA 244-9, 810-1;GW 24;
       fishers of Galilee Ed 85;GC 171;
       humble and teachable GC 171
       humble and unlettered men Ed 85;GC 171;
       men of native ability and teachable spirit Ed 85
       received by Him in Judea DA 231
       trained by stern discipline of toil and hardship Ed 85
       unschooled in learning and customs of rabbis Ed 85
       young men DA 145
    first five of, call of DA 132-43;MB 3, 131;
       foundation of Christian church began with calling of DA 141
    first opportunity of, to publicly acknowledge faith in Him DA 150
    followed murderous throng to Calvary 2T 208
    forewarned re His suffering and death DA 415-8, 549
    forsook Him when Judas betrayed Him DA 696-7
    four of, were to act leading part Ed 86
    future mercifully veiled from, in prophecy of Matthew 24 GC 24-5
    God can do for us what He did for DA 250
    God is as willing to manifest His power through us as through DA 297