EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Devil, devils (evil angels) accidents caused by, to destroy gospel workers 1T 347    [319]
       divert minds from Christ 1T 543
       know your waywardness and besetting sins EW 105
    sent by Satan to speak for Christ’s apostles EW 90
    sent with messages contradicting Bible EW 90
    sick people will be healed by, before God’s people 2SM 53;1T 302;
    sickness can be caused by 2SM 53
    snares laid by, for SDA EW 266
    souls that cannot be impeached by MH 90
    spirits of: appearing as visitants from other worlds GC 556
       army officers during Civil War in USA received instruction from 1T 364
       be prepared to withstand, with Bible truth EW 87
       fruits of 2SG 226;1T 188;
       haunt of, abode of witch of Endor was PP 679
       lying communications given by 1T 364
       many professed Christians resort to 5T 193-4
       press their darkness around God’s people 5T 199
       wicked men surrounded, influenced, and aided by 5T 199
       will go forth to deceive rulers and subjects alike GC 624
       work with all power to deceive and destroy 5T 199
    strife among SR 25