EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       comfort MH 382;ML 138;
       durability ChS 28-9
       modesty CSW 20-1
       plainness CG 107, 462;2SM 438;
       protection MH 382
       simplicity CG 107, 424-5, 462;ChS 28-9;
       sweetness CG 107;4T 642;
       tidiness FE 156
       warmth MH 382
    fashionable, children and youth influenced by 4T 643
    girls need instruction re Ed 248-9
    girls should be able to make their Ed 248-9
    girls should be protected by, against colds 2SM 471
    girls should wear convenient, comfortable, and modest style of 2SM 471
    insufficient, in chilly evening causes sickness MH 385
    limbs need to be protected by 2T 531-2
    little work should be required to wash and iron CG 462;4T 642;
    mothers ignorant re, many 2SM 469-70
    neat and clean, means of keeping thoughts pure and sweet CG 461-2