EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church leader, Church leaders arbitrary authority in, God abhors TM 357-8    [72]
    principles of piety and justice should guide AA 95
    public prayers of, should be short and to point 5T 618
    public testimonies of, should be short and to point 5T 618
    reproofs given to, false prophet who made capital of 2SM 84
    responsibility of, to students too poor to attend school 9T 77-8
    responsibilities of, are solemn AA 92
    Sabbath services conducted by 6T 361
    safe, persons blinded by self-confidence are not AA 279
       persons determined to follow their own judgments and plans regardless of judgment of brethren are not AA 279
    seek to embrace too much authority 9T 270
    seeking to drive sheep, God is not glorified by 7BC 942
    selection of 5T 617-21
       not by casting lots 2SM 328
       questions to be asked in 5T 618
    self-importance in, God abhors TM 357-8
    self-righteousness in, God abhors TM 357-8
    should be: earnest, full of zeal and unselfish interest 5T 618
       foremost in God’s work 6BC 1104;ChS 175;
       lovers of hospitality 6T 342
       men of spiritual life 6T 361