 appetite caused loss of Eden for CME 41:0; TMK 314:3
 created perfect Con 10:2
 deception of people today as of TDG 325:2
 disobedience of, although laws and penalty known HP 153:2
 divided family of UL 41:5
 earth separated from heaven by sin of TMK 82:4
 example of, should lead all to abhor sin OHC 94:7
 experience of, warning to humanity on probation FW 21:2
 eyes of, opened to their shame and ruin CC 20:3
 freedom of choice given to TMK 14:2
 garments of light and protection lost by CC 20:3
 God created, perfect and supplied their needs TMK 13:3
 God instructed; nature studied by them UL 198:2
 hid from God CC 20:3
 human nature of Christ passed through same test as 3SM 129:3
 innocence of, lost UL 41:3
 knowledge of God should have satisfied Con 15:1
 law could not be changed for TMK 289:3
 law of God presented to FLB 80:3
 learn to trust God’s will from the experience of UL 318:2
 light surrounded HP 198:2
 lost Eden for one transgression RC 54:2
 promise of victory heard by, before the curse TMK 16:2
 Satan flattered, saying they would be above humanity TMK 291:3
 science which deceived, deceives today 2MCP 719:1
 sin considered by,
 as not being so terrible TMK 14:6
 as small; forbidden fruit TMK 255:3
 sin of, followed in not responding to God’s love TDG 86:3
 sin passed on by UL 41:5
 temptation faces us individually as it did TMK 276:2
 trust in God’s word would have secured TSB 50:2