13. Examples for
 Daniel and companions as example for 4BC 1167
 Daniel as example to CT 537; 5T 86
 encouragement for, Samuel’s example as 2BC 1010
 Isaac as example for PP 175
 Joseph as example of CT 537; 5T 86
 Joseph’s deep filial reverence is worthy of imitation by 5T 124-5
 lesson(s) for: Daniel’s life presents FE 80; SL 23
 from experience of youth at Bethel 5T 44
 from history of Samson 2BC 1007
 lessons from others that should be learned by MH 366
 Mordecai’s words to Esther may apply to 5T 321
 personal histories of vital interest to Ed 68
 professed Christians are no example for, except as they follow Christ 1T 405
 Samuel’s consecration as example for CT 537
 Solomon’s later writings warn, against falling into errors that led him astray PK 80-1
 Timothy as example of AA 203-4; 4T 398