Adornment, personal

 Adornment, personal:
 calling for repentance 1T 131
 Christ displayed no, but humility 1SM 260
 display of: in nominal churches EW 274
 in social gatherings TM 83
 extravagance in 1T 135-6; 3T 401
 guard against AH 22; CH 102
 money stolen for WM 166
 significance of 1T 136
 fear to spend time in 4T 72
 graces of the Spirit to be our HP 165:4
 hearts filled with TDG 57:5
 imperishable, beautifully symmetrical character as ML 123
 inward, caring for, as carefully as for appearance TMK 295:3
 laying off, without heart change, like cutting foliage off tree SD 292; TDG 139:3
 money used for,
 needed in mission fields 9T 54
 reason for misery in world RC 266:4
 children taught that character beauty is better than RC 174:4
 indicates lack of interior adornment 3SM 244:0
 many think only of TMK 119:2
 sanctified heart:
 has no place for 1T 162
 has no place for thoughts of needless OHC 273:2
 self-denial needed in 5T 732
 temptation to use means in AA 338; CS 155
 that God recommends 3T 376
 time given to, needed for religious duties 4T 72
 harmonizes with inward peace and holiness SD 262
 true refinement not satisfied with 2T 243
 See also Artificials; Clothing; Cosmetics; Display; Dress; Jewelry; Ornamentation