18. Need(s) or ought to be
 respect themselves AH 16; 7T 186
 seek possessions that are enduring Ed 145
 speak without wearing vocal organs 4T 406
 study 5T 26
 take eternity into reckoning Ed 145
 think and act from conscientious principle 4T 652
 till soil AH 138
 work at manual labor PP 601
 work with tact and thoroughness CH 315
 thoroughly acquainted with everyday duties Ed 216
 trained as gospel workers willing to harmonize 9T 219
 trained by: church to work for Christ 5T 395
 SDA institutions for evangelistic work Ev 23-4
 trained carefully and tenderly 3T 143
 trained for: country for which patriarchs and prophets looked FE 328
 positions of usefulness and influence FE 202
 work in mission fields 3T 206
 trained in: city missions as gospel workers GW 365
 gospel work GW 210
 habits of benevolence Ed 239
 SDA schools for Christian service 6T 133
 some branch of manual labor CT 307
 their own countries for gospel work 6T 139
 trained to: be clean and orderly 6T 170
 bear burdens in Christ’s cause CT 48
 bear grave responsibilities CT 536
 bear responsibilities with brave heart and willing hands CT 258
 become true soldiers of Christ CT 166
 believe that life is sacred trust CT 300
 exert saving influence in churches 8T 228-9
 guard their words and actions AH 437
 industrious habits AH 285
 love to work on land LS 355
 represent truth rightly TM 32
 self-reliance and self-control 4T 652
 use time rightly CG 123
 useful labor CG 123
 trained to do miss. work AH 509
 in their neighborhoods 9T 118