18. Need(s) or ought to be
 missionaries at home AH 300
 modest and retiring in conversation CG 144
 organized into bands for Christian service Ed 269
 placed in most favorable circumstances possible 5T 545
 pointed to Peter’s ladder of eight rounds 6T 147
 provided: innocent pleasures CT 335
 pure and good reading matter AH 411
 put to work where they can accomplish most MM 307
 ready and resolute in standing for right under all circumstances 4T 655
 removed from evil influences of public schools CT 204
 reverent during church services CG 546-7
 rooted in knowledge of truth Ev 364
 self-reliant in order to influence others CG 157
 surrounded with: good associations 4T 364
 wholesome and uplifting influences CT 354
 taught: economy by precept and example 5T 89
 importance of cultivating mental, physical, and moral powers 4T 425
 industrious habits AA 346
 industry by precept and example 5T 89
 need and power of application Ed 232
 self-denial and to bear hardships and toils of life 4T 201
 simplicity of dress by precept and example 5T 89
 simplicity of manner by precept and example 5T 89
 sobriety by precept and example 5T 89
 that so far as possible they must work to meet their school expenses 5T 556
 their accountability to God CSW 12
 there is no excellence without great labor SD 333
 to aim at perfection in whatever branch of work they undertake 5T 415
 trades in pub. houses 5T 415
 what to do in case of accidents and ordinary emergencies FE 427
 what will come to pass before end 6T 128-9
 with love and patience 4T 142
 taught how to: meet people 9T 76
 meet stern discipline of life Ed 295
 meet temptation SD 232
 present third angel’s message in attractive manner 9T 76
 taught that: carnal mind must die 1T 161
 every mistake, fault, difficulty conquered is steppingstone to higher and better things Ed 296
 they are not at liberty to do as they please with their lives CT 300
 time is golden 6T 158
 taught to: be frank and yet modest in associations CH 294
 be true to principle 7T 186
 choose enduring principles Ed 145
 eat to live instead of living to eat 3T 567
 give close study to God’s word CT 121
 love Bible study CG 513
 obey God’s law 7T 186
 obey rules at home 7T 186
 read and understand Scriptures Ev 581
 respect just rules and authority CH 294