17. Need(s) or ought to
 Bible their study MYP 21
 God’s word food of mind and soul MH 460; 8T 320
 home happy and cheerful 3T 222
 special effort to keep mind on religious things 2T 175
 special efforts to help one another to live faithfully 3T 379
 their mark high ML 310
 make the most of: his talents SD 333
 their entrusted ability CSW 30-1
 meet demands upon them with energy and fidelity CT 100
 observe strict rules in habits of life Ev 652
 offer prayer at beginning of day MYP 122-3
 organize into bands for Christian service WM 108
 practice: Bible truth in daily life CSW 68
 regularity in hours for going to bed and for rising ML 143
 self-denial in home life AH 486
 self-denial in order to help God’s cause CS 292-7
 pray: earnestly for sound religious experience 2T 144
 for success 4T 117
 more than they sing 1T 513
 that they be not led into temptation 3T 378
 preserve every: mental capability 5T 115
 physical capability 5T 115
 put away all that is cheap and frivolous MYP 42
 reach highest development of mental powers 8T 311
 read literature that: gives true knowledge 7T 64
 is healthful and sanctifying to mind FE 547
 relieve their careworn mothers 7T 65
 remember that: God sees all that they do PP 217
 their endowments are not their own Ed 57
 without faith it is impossible to please God SD 71
 resist: associates urging them into paths of vice and folly MYP 409
 temptation MYP 409; 3T 378
 respect: counsels of parents re marriage 5T 106-8
 judgment of men of experience in church MYP 445
 reverence and obey God’s will 5T 26
 review their past life MYP 443
 rise at regular hours in morning Ev 651
 rise in God’s strength above enslaving and debasing habits CT 535
 rise up before the aged LS 275
 sacredly regard voice of church 5T 108
 save part of their wages for emergencies 2SM 330
 see how much good they can accomplish 2T 235
 see in Christ more than mere theory CSW 52
 seek: company of persons of sound moral and religious influence 4T 655
 God with all their heart 1T 158-9
 highest development of their natural powers FE 541
 sell: books on healthful living CM 134
 Christ’s Object Lessons 6T 471, 477
 share in labor and responsibility of miss. work 6T 435
 sign temperance pledge CH 441