June 15, 1904
The Path of Self-Denial
Christ gave Himself for the saving of a lost world. His life on this earth, from its beginning to its close, was one of self-denial. To those who desire to follow Him He says, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” He will not accept half-hearted service. He withheld no part of the price, but gave Himself as a complete offering, a sacrifice fragrant with the incense of His righteousness. (ST June 15, 1904, Art. A, 1)
Professing Christians are too often unwilling to practise the self-denial that the Saviour calls for, unwilling to restrict their wishes and desires in order that they may have more to give to the Lord. To all comes the temptation to gratify selfish, extravagant inclinations. But let us remember that the Lord of life and glory came to this world to teach humanity the lesson of self-denial. He died for us, that we might live forever in the kingdom of God. (ST June 15, 1904, Art. A, 2)
Just before His ascension Christ gave His disciples the work to which they were to make all else subordinate. “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth,” He said. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” (ST June 15, 1904, Art. A, 3)
Think of the greatness of the work before God's people! The world is to be warned. To all parts of the earth the message of present truth is to be carried. This work calls for means. Those who are inclined to be extravagant are to overcome their desire to indulge self. Only thus can they be true followers of Christ. (ST June 15, 1904, Art. A, 4)
No sacrifice is too great to make for the truth, for heaven. Not a farthing of the money that we handle is our own. All is the Lord's, entrusted to us to test us, to see if we will make a right use of the Lord's goods. He who in this life does not prove true and faithful will have no second trial. Those who choose the world will perish with the world. A cloud of heavenly witnesses is watching the conflict between good and evil. Those who live for their own pleasure must one day answer to the Judge of all the earth for their misspent privileges and neglected opportunities. They will lose an eternity of bliss and the riches of everlasting life. God forbid that any should delay until it is too late, and should at last have to say, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” (ST June 15, 1904, Art. A, 5)
Deny yourself, take up the cross, and follow more closely in the Saviour's footsteps. Before you spend money, ask yourself, “Can I not save this money? I will deny myself for Christ's sake. He gave His life to purchase eternal life for me. It was by the sacrifice of Himself that He placed at my command the riches of His grace. He was under no compulsion, no obligation, to grant me His favor. Had He withheld all from me, it would have been no more than I deserved. The rich treasures of grace that are the expression of His love for me were purchased by infinite sacrifice and unparalleled humiliation. These treasures are the tangible proofs of a love abundant and unmeasured. How deep is my indebtedness to my Saviour? How shall I express my appreciation of His bounty, my thankfulness for what He has done for me?” (ST June 15, 1904, Art. A, 6)
Temptations will come to you to indulge selfish desires. Yield not to them. Restrain your inclination for expensive clothing and rich furniture. It is the express duty of all believers to live with simplicity. Money saved is worth as much as money earned. Money is of value, and to spend it needlessly, to gratify the inclination for expensive clothing or costly furniture, is to set an example that turns the lame, those weak in faith and moral power, out of the way. (ST June 15, 1904, Art. A, 7)
Keep in view the nobler world by revealing the self-denial and sacrifice of Him who gave His life that repentant sinners might live forever. O, in a work of self-denial, men and women can stand as if within the open portals of the city of God, surveying the glory within. (ST June 15, 1904, Art. A, 8)
From Washington
Carroll House, Takoma Park. D. C.,
May 10, 1904.
Dear Fellow Workers,
With gratitude I acknowledge the tender care of my heavenly Father for the blessings that He has bestowed upon me since we left St. Helena. The journey across the continent which I dreaded so much, was pleasant, and I rested all the way. And since I reached Washington, my health has been better than for many months before. (ST June 15, 1904, 1)
We are pleasantly settled in Takoma Park. Within fifteen minutes’ walk are the homes of Brethren Daniells, Prescott, Washburn, Spicer, Curtis, Bristol, Rogers, Needham, Cady, and others connected with our work. (ST June 15, 1904, 2)
The way is opening rapidly for the beginning of our work. For this I am very thankful. As I look at the situation and the prospects here, I am filled with hope and courage. We shall endeavor to respond to the favoring providences that attend us by pressing forward with the work as speedily as possible. (ST June 15, 1904, 3)
The location that has been secured for our school and sanitarium is all that could be desired. The land resembles representations that have been shown me by the Lord. It is well adapted for the purpose for which it is to be used. There is on it ample room for a school and sanitarium, without crowding either institution. The atmosphere is pure and the water is pure. A beautiful stream runs right through our land from north to south. This stream is a treasure more valuable than gold or silver. The building sites are upon fine elevations, with excellent drainage. (ST June 15, 1904, 4)
One day we took a long drive through various parts of Takoma Park. A large part of the township is a natural forest. The houses are not small and crowded closely together, but are roomy and comfortable. They are surrounded by thrifty, second-growth pines, oaks, maples, and other beautiful trees. (ST June 15, 1904, 5)
The owners of these homes are mostly business men, many of them clerks in the government offices in Washington. They go to the city daily, returning in the evening to their quiet homes. (ST June 15, 1904, 6)
A good location for the printing-office has been chosen, within easy distance of the post-office, and a site for a meeting-house, also, has been found. It seems as if Takoma Park has been specially prepared for us, and that it has been waiting to be occupied by our institutions and their workers. (ST June 15, 1904, 7)
My hopes for this place are high. The country for miles and miles around Washington is to be worked from here. I am so thankful that our work is to be established in this place. Were Christ here upon the ground, He would say, “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” We have a work to do in leading precious souls onward step by step. Many will have to be taught line upon line, precept upon precept. The truth of God will be applied, by the Spirit's power, to the heart and conscience. We must present the truth in love and faith and hope and courage. (ST June 15, 1904, 8)
Ellen G. White.