May 4, 1882
Labor as a Blessing
Many look upon work as a curse, originating with the enemy of souls. This is a mistaken idea. God gave labor to man as a blessing, to occupy his mind, to strengthen his body, and to develop his faculties. Adam labored in the garden of Eden, and he found in mental and physical activity the highest pleasures of his holy existence. When he was driven from that beautiful home as the result of his disobedience, and was forced to struggle with a stubborn soil to gain his daily bread, that very labor was a relief to his sorrowing soul, a safeguard against temptation. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 1)
Judicious labor is indispensable both to the happiness and the prosperity of our race. It makes the feeble strong, the timid brave, the poor rich, and the wretched happy. Our varied trusts are proportioned to our various abilities, and God expects corresponding returns for the talents he has given to his servants. It is not the greatness of the talents possessed that determines the reward, but the manner in which they are used,—the degree of faithfulness with which the duties of life are performed, be they great or small. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 2)
Idleness is one of the greatest curses that can fall upon man; for vice and crime follow in its train. Satan lies in ambush, ready to surprise and destroy those who are unguarded, whose leisure gives him opportunity to insinuate himself into their favor, under some attractive disguise. He is never more successful than when he comes to men in their idle hours. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 3)
The greatest curse following in the train of wealth is the fashionable idea that work is degrading. “Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom; pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her, and in her daughters; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.” Here are presented before us, in the words of Holy Writ, the terrible results of idleness. It was this that caused the ruin of the cities of the plain. Idleness enfeebles the mind, debases the soul, and perverts the understanding, turning into a curse that which was given as a blessing. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 4)
The rich often consider themselves entitled to the pre-eminence among their fellow-men and in the favor of God. Many feel above honest labor, and look down with contempt upon their poorer neighbors. The children of the wealthy are taught that to be gentlemen and ladies they must dress fashionably, avoid all useful labor, and shun the society of the working classes. They dare not shock their fashionable associates by putting the gifts of God to a practical use. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 5)
Such ideas are wholly at variance with the divine purpose in the creation of man. What are the possessions of even the most wealthy, in comparison with the heritage given to the lordly Adam? Yet Adam was not to be idle. An all-wise Creator understands what is for man's happiness; and this is why he gave to Adam his appointed work. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 6)
The Son of God honored labor. Though he was the Majesty of Heaven, he chose his earthly home among the poor and lowly, and worked for his daily bread in the humble carpenter shop of Joseph. Christ is our example. He came to earth to teach us how to live. Does it require too great humiliation for us to follow where the King of glory has led the way? (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 7)
Misguided parents are trying to improve upon God's plan. Many send their children away from home influences and home duties, to some boarding-school or college, to obtain an education. There, deprived of parental care, the youth squander precious hours in novel reading, in frivolous amusements, or in studying the adornment of the person, that they may outrival their companions. For such pursuits, their duties to their fellow-beings and to God are neglected. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 8)
This false education leads young ladies to regard uselessness, frivolity, and helplessness as proofs of gentility. Fashionable butterflies, they have nothing to do for the good of others, at home or abroad. Here may be found the secret of many of the unhappy marriages and flirtations ending in shame, that curse our world today. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 9)
Those who are in the possession of wealth and leisure, and yet have no purpose in life, have nothing to arouse them to either mental or physical activity. Thus many a woman loses her health, and is sent to some medical institution for treatment. Here attendants are hired, at great expense, to rub, stretch, and exercise the muscles, which have become powerless by inaction. She hires servants, that she may live a life of idleness, and then hires other servants to exercise the muscles enfeebled by disuse. What consummate folly! How much wiser and better for women, young or old, to brave the sneers of fashion's votaries, and obey the dictates of common sense and the laws of life. By the cheerful performance of domestic duties, they might become useful and happy members of society. Such labor affords a more efficient and profitable “movement cure” than the best inventions of the physicians. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 10)
Young men, as well as young women, manifest a sad lack of earnest purpose and moral independence. To dress, to smoke, to talk nonsense, and to indulge their passion for amusement, is the ideal of happiness, even with many who profess to be Christians. It is painful to think of the time which is thus misspent. Hours that should be given to the study of the Scriptures or to active labor for Christ are worse than wasted. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 11)
Life was given for a true and holy purpose. It is too precious to be thus squandered. I entreat those who have taken the name of Christ to examine their own hearts, and pass sentence upon themselves. Do you not love pleasure more than you love God or your fellowmen? (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 12)
There is work to be done. There is the mind, with all its capabilities, to strengthen and store with the treasures of divine wisdom. There are souls to save. There is a Heaven to win. There are battles to fight. You may come to the front and join in the warfare against the hosts of evil. In the strength of God you may do a good and noble work for the Master. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 13)
God designed that all should be workers, and upon those whose opportunities and abilities are greatest, rest the heaviest responsibilities. Upon them, also, will fall the heaviest condemnation if they are unfaithful to their trust. The patient beasts of burden put to shame that indolent do nothing, who, endowed with reasoning powers and a knowledge of the divine will, refuses to perform his allotted part in God's great plan. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 14)
The indolence of the many, occasions the overwork of the few. A large class refuse to think or act for themselves. They have no disposition to step out of the old ruts of prejudice and error; by their perversity they block up the way of advancement, and force the standard-bearers of the right to more heroic efforts in their march forward. Earnest and devoted laborers are failing for the want of a helping hand, and are sinking beneath their double burdens. Their graves are waymarks along the upward paths of reform. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 15)
The true glory and joy of life are found only by the working man and woman. Labor brings its own reward, and the rest is sweet that is purchased by the fatigue of a well-spent day. But there is a self-imposed toil which is utterly unsatisfying and injurious. It is that which gratifies unsanctified ambition, that which seeks display or notoriety. The love of appearance or possession leads thousands to carry to excess what is lawful, to devote all the strength of mind and body to that which should occupy but a small portion of their time. They bend every energy to the acquisition of wealth or honor; they make all other objects secondary to this; they toil unflinchingly for years to accomplish their purpose; yet when the goal is reached, and the coveted reward secured, it turns to ashes in their grasp; it is a shadow, a delusion. They have given their life for that which profiteth not. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 16)
Yet all the lawful pursuits of life may be safely followed, if the spirit is kept free from selfish hopes and the contamination of deceit and envy. The business life of the Christian should be marked with the same purity that held sway in the work shop of the holy Nazarene. It is the working men and women—those who are willing to bear its responsibilities with faith and hope—who see something great and good in life. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 17)
Patient laborers, remember that they were sturdy working men whom Christ chose from among the fishermen of Galilee and the tent-makers of Corinth, to labor with him in the work of salvation. From these humble men went forth a power that will be felt through all eternity. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 18)
The angels are workers; they are ministers of God to the children of men. Those slothful spirits who look forward to a Heaven of inaction will be disappointed; for the Creator has prepared no such place for the gratification of sinful indolence. But to the weary and heavy-laden, rest is promised. It is the faithful servants who are welcomed from their labors unto the joy of their Lord. Gladly will they lay off their armor, and forget the noise of battle in the peace that shall be the inheritance of the saints. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 19)
The path of the Christian laborer may be hard and narrow, but it is honored by the foot-prints of the Redeemer, and he is safe who follows in that sacred way. (ST May 4, 1882, Art. A, 20)
Our School at Healdsburg
In the providence of God a school has been established by our people in California. The time has fully come for such a step. The need of a school has been deeply felt, and we trust that our brethren on this coast will sustain it by their means and their patronage. (ST May 4, 1882, 1)
It is the purpose of managers and teachers, not so much to copy the plans and methods of other institutions of learning, as to make this school such as God can approve. We trust that a high moral and religious standard will be maintained, and that Healdsburg Academy will be free from those pernicious influences which are so prevalent in popular schools. (ST May 4, 1882, 2)
Some parents may feel that they cannot afford to pay for the tuition of their children, when an education can be obtained free of charge, in the public schools. But we maintain that even in the matter of dollars and cents, parents will find it their wisest course to place their children under good moral and religious influences. In their association with worldlings, the young are exposed to many temptations. Pride and extravagance in dress are among the prevailing sins of the age. Will not the influence of worldly associates affect the habits, tastes, and desires of your children? Will it not lead them away from simplicity in dress, and make them discontented with that which is useful and substantial? Will not the extra demand upon your purse far exceed the cost of tuition at a school where such influences would be held in check? We have seen this experiment made again and again. In every instance parents have lost instead of saving. (ST May 4, 1882, 3)
By association with ungodly or vicious companions, the young often contract tastes and habits which prove a lifelong injury. Boys from six to twelve years old may be seen coming from the public schools, smoking their cigarettes. Some who have been taught better things are not proof against such examples. (ST May 4, 1882, 4)
Instead of permitting our children to imitate the customs and practices of the world, we should seek to impress upon their minds that the love of pleasure and selfish indulgence is dangerous to virtue and morality. We often hear it said that the young must “sow their wild oats.” But let it be remembered that the seed sown will determine the character of the harvest. Youthful follies and indiscretions will leave an impress upon the mind and character. In early life the brain is peculiarly susceptible to injury. Even a slight degree of sensual indulgence lowers its tone and impairs its power. The effect of such indulgence will be seen and felt, long after the sin itself has been repented of. (ST May 4, 1882, 5)
If parents desire that their children shall become pure, noble, upright men and women, they must give them right surroundings and proper associates in childhood. Inquire into the history of the world's best and noblest men,—those who have made life a success,—and you will find that from childhood they were governed by sterling principle. They were simple in their tastes, and temperate in their habits. The lessons of self-denial and self-control were early learned. Such men can be said, in the highest sense, to still enjoy their youth. Its purity remains unsullied, its strength and vigor undiminished. The parents thought less of hoarding money for their children than of securing to them pure morals and a vigorous intellect. The fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom, was the foundation of their greatness. (ST May 4, 1882, 6)
Fathers and mothers, will you not seek to build a barrier about your children, that the contaminating, corrupting influence of the world, like a fast-sweeping current, may not bear them down to perdition? When you count the cost of educating your sons and daughters at our own school, please take into account, also, the cost of educating them in the public schools and in the colleges of the day. Consider what will be their associations, to what temptations they will be exposed, what tastes and habits they will form. (ST May 4, 1882, 7)
Nearly all youth wish to be and try to be fashionable. Not only the sons and daughters of fortune, but the children of poverty as well, are engaged in the wild chase for pleasure and display. However limited their circumstances, most parents will yield to the influence of their pleasure-loving children, and find means to gratify their desires. Many a youth is constantly in a state of exhaustive excitement or depressing discontent. Indulgence only increases the thirst for pleasure and display, until it becomes an insatiable craving. Examples of this are as frequent as they are painful. One such instance I will relate. A lady had from her girlhood found pleasure in the gratification of pride and vanity, until a love for display and a desire for admiration became the ruling passion of her life. It was still the ruling passion in her dying hour. While the death-damp gathered upon her brow, she was thinking only how she might create a sensation. She expressed a wish to be attired for the grave in her richest robes, and to be adorned with all her costly jewels. It was done, and in hollow mockery, gold and gems glittered upon the decaying body. This is idolatry scarcely to be surpassed by the worshipers of heathen gods. But to such lengths will pride and fashion lead their votaries. Shall we expose our children to these baleful influences? (ST May 4, 1882, 8)
To gain wealth, men will cheerfully brave any danger and endure any hardship. They will cross the sea, explore the depths of the earth, scale the mountains, or traverse the desert. They will incur any and every risk, in anticipation of future profits. Should not God's people be willing to make some sacrifice for the present and future welfare of their children? (ST May 4, 1882, 9)
I have felt surprised and pained to see parents send their sons and daughters hundreds of miles away from home, among unbelievers, to obtain an education. Deprived of parental watchcare, these youth are surrounded by influences that are opposed to God. The parents will find, to their sorrow, that their children have received an education in frivolity and worldliness which will place them beyond the influence of the truth. (ST May 4, 1882, 10)
We counsel parents to avail themselves of the opportunity now offered to separate their children from these worldly associations. Mothers, would it not be true wisdom to practice economy and self-denial in the furnishing of your house or the adorning of your dress, and let the means thus saved be devoted to the education of your children? Fathers, can you not sell a piece of your land, and send your children to a school where the moral and religious influence predominates? The money thus invested will bring returns more valuable than bank-stock. It will be repaid to you, both principal and interest, in the mental and spiritual advancement of your children. (ST May 4, 1882, 11)
It is designed that the education given in our school shall be in harmony with the teachings of God's word. Religious instruction will be given daily. Christian principles will be faithfully inculcated. It is the purpose of the Principal to conduct the school on the plan of a well-regulated Christian family. Whether engaged in study or recreation, the pupils will be under the supervision of kind yet watchful teachers. (ST May 4, 1882, 12)
The Bible is the word of God to men. It teaches us how to live that we may secure life's great end. The knowledge contained in this book lies at the very foundation of all knowledge. Yet God and his word have been ignored, while the words of men have been treasured as the counsels of wisdom. We should give the Bible its proper place in our schools and our homes, as the most valuable book which men possess. (ST May 4, 1882, 13)
Thousands in this age are seeking to clothe sin in garments of righteousness, to conceal its true deformity. The youth should be taught to study the word of God for themselves, and to try every act and purpose of life by this unerring test. Let the fact be ever kept before their minds that truth and justice could not be compromised, even to save a lost race. Looking upon the cross of Calvary, can we entertain the thought that sin is a matter of little moment? God could give his only-begotten Son to die for our redemption, but he could not permit the principles of his government to be overthrown. (ST May 4, 1882, 14)
Sin is the evil thing which has brought such misery upon our race. The young should be taught to hate sin, to avoid it, not merely from fear of punishment, but from a sense of its inherent baseness. They should learn to do right because it is right. Every youth should be impressed with the fact that he is not his own; that his strength, his time, his talents, belong to God. It should be his chief purpose in life to glorify God and to do good to his fellow-men. The Bible teaches him that he is a branch, on which fruit must be found; a steward, whose capital will increase as it is wisely improved; a light, whose bright beams are to illuminate the moral darkness that enshrouds the earth. Every man, every child, has work to do for God's glory, and for the salvation of souls that are ready to perish. (ST May 4, 1882, 15)
The greatest want of this age is the want of men,—men who will not be bought or sold; men who are true and honest in their inmost souls; men who will not fear to call sin by its right name, and to condemn it, in themselves or in others; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right, though the heavens fall. (ST May 4, 1882, 16)
To form such a character in the young, there is needed a different system of education from that generally adopted. Moral and religious training must receive more attention. We are educating our children for time and for eternity. Let us enter upon our work as though we realized its importance. (ST May 4, 1882, 17)
Mrs. E. G. White