〉 December 22, 1910
December 22, 1910
Let Your Light So Shine Before Men
Every believer is now to be wide-awake and intensely in earnest; for we are near the close of this earth's history. We have no time now to act as worldlings. We are to seek and to save those who are lost. My brethren and sisters, take your candle out from under the bushel, and set it where its rays will shine forth to give light to those who are in ignorance of what is coming upon our world. There are special things to be done in making special efforts to let the light shine forth from the Scriptures in clear, distinct rays. (RH December 22, 1910, 1)
A great work is to be done in foreign fields, and just as verily a great work is to be done in the home field. Why do we keep ourselves so much shut away from unbelievers? How much good would be accomplished if all who know the truth would make it known in every possible way and on every possible occasion! How many would be brought to Christ if all of God's people would work for those who need so much to understand Bible truth! Heavenly angels, unseen, would help those to whom we speak, to hear and understand the things of God. (RH December 22, 1910, 2)
The word comes to me, Let those who understand the truth find opportunities to speak to others the words of Christ. Many places in many fields are destitute of workers. There are many in the crowded cities who know not the truth. In every city, in every town, in every village, there is a work to be done. How can we feel clear before God unless we do our part to make the truth known to those perishing in darkness? (RH December 22, 1910, 3)
In the day of judgment, when every one will be rewarded according to his works, many of the lost will charge their neighbors with neglect, saying, You knew the truth regarding the requirements of the Bible, but you did not stop to think that close beside your own door there were souls who were in error, and who needed to be given instruction. (RH December 22, 1910, 4)
The judgment will reveal sins of omission as well as sins of commission. When Seventh-day Adventists know that the world is perishing in ignorance of Bible truth, why do they not go forth to hunt and fish for souls? If they do not do this, how will they be able to answer the question that in the great day of reckoning will be put to them by the lost, “Why did you not give to us the warning regarding God's requirements?” (RH December 22, 1910, 5)
Let every Sabbath-keeping family awake, and take upon their souls the work of making the truth known to those who are transgressing God's requirements. (RH December 22, 1910, 6)
Not only are our ministers and other workers to heed and practise the lessons of Christ, but fathers and mothers are also to learn lessons from the Word of God, and these lessons they are to teach their children. In a Christlike manner they are to educate and train their children. (RH December 22, 1910, 7)
“God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” (RH December 22, 1910, 8)
Parents, will you awake to the God-given responsibility resting upon you? Never speak harshly or angrily to your children or to each other. God expects you, in spirit and word and act, to be representatives of him. He expects you to do what Christ would do were he in your place. Your words are to be well chosen, never showing impatience. You are to keep the tongue under restraint. Your lives are to reveal the sanctification of true godliness. Do not let Satan control your tongue. Be true missionaries in the home. Remember that the training you are giving your children is making them either Christlike in word and deed, or like the fallen angel, Lucifer, who, because he was determined to have his own way and be above Christ, was cast out of heaven. (RH December 22, 1910, 9)
My brethren and sisters, as you read this article, will you determine to take heed to the lessons given in the Scriptures? Satan is striving to mold all into his likeness. Christ came to our world to give human beings power to resist the enemy's temptations. Fathers and mothers, in the little time you have left,—for the end of all things is at hand,—will you be daily converted, that you may be the Saviour's helpers, speaking and acting in such a way that the enemy can obtain no advantage in your family? Remember that if henceforth you work wisely, striving earnestly to glorify God, many of your neighbors will, by your example, be won to Christ. (RH December 22, 1910, 10)
Among us as a people a great neglect of opportunities has become common. In your association with unbelievers, do you keep your lips closed regarding the truth for this time? Do they receive no light from you as to the best means of serving and glorifying God? There is a world to be warned. Will those who in the past have felt no responsibility resting upon them now realize that they are working either for or against Christ? Will you not let your light so shine before men that they, seeing your good works, may be led to glorify the One who gave his life in order that you might not perish, but have everlasting life? The Lord will help you if you will act your part intelligently. (RH December 22, 1910, 11)