May 13, 1909
The Relation of Man to His Fellow Man
In the Lord's plan human beings have been made necessary to one another. To every one God has entrusted talents, to be used in helping others to walk in the path of right. It is by unselfish service for others that we improve and increase our talents. (RH May 13, 1909, 1)
Like the different parts of a machine, all are closely related to one another, and all dependent upon one great Center. There is to be unity in diversity. No member of the Lord's firm can work successfully in independence. Each is to work under the supervision of God; all are to use their entrusted capabilities in his service, that each may minister to the perfection of the whole. (RH May 13, 1909, 2)
There are many who have not a clear understanding of the relation man should sustain to his fellow man in the work of God. How many there are who ask the question, Am I my brother's keeper? Said the angel, Yea, thou art thy brother's keeper. To every professed Christian the words are spoken, Suffer not thy brother to be left unwarned; cherish a spirit of kindness and of love toward the erring. Often when a man commits a wrong, it is because spiritual blindness is upon him; he is deceived and deluded. Treat not such as an enemy. The Lord has bought him with a price. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The soul who accepts the sacrifice of Christ in his behalf is pledged to have a special care for his brother who is erring. (RH May 13, 1909, 3)
He who claims to be a Christian should examine himself and see if he is as kind and considerate of his fellow beings as he desires his fellow beings to be of him. When this is done, there will be a showing that is after the divine similitude. It is God's plan that each believer shall be a help to those who have not yet become partakers of the divine nature. Christ has pledged himself to co-operate with those who work with him. He has pledged himself to train us to be his colaborers. He will help us to follow his example, doing good, and refusing to do evil. By Christ's wonderful union of divinity with humanity, we are assured that even in this world we may be partakers of the divine nature, overcoming the corruption that is in the world through lust. (RH May 13, 1909, 4)
Christ taught that rank or wealth should make no difference in our treatment of one another, and that in the light of heaven all are brethren. Earthly possessions or worldly honor do not count in God's valuation of man. He created all men equal; he is no respecter of persons. He values a man according to the virtue of his character. (RH May 13, 1909, 5)
To possess true godliness means to love one another, to help one another, to make apparent the religion of Jesus in our lives. We are to be consecrated channels through which the love of Christ flows to those who need help. Every true worker is connected with heavenly instrumentalities. All such are workers together with those who are “ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.” God sends his light to those who keep the windows of the soul open heavenward. Under the Holy Spirit's influence, they work the works of God. He who approaches nearest to obedience to the divine law will be of the most service to God. He who follows Christ, reaching out after his goodness, his compassion, his love for the human family, will be accepted by God as a worker together with him. Such a one will not be content to remain on a low level of spirituality. He will constantly reach higher and higher. (RH May 13, 1909, 6)
In order that Christ's work may be accomplished in the earth, his servants must exert an influence that will draw their fellow men to him. Every one is to work out his own salvation with fear and trembling, lest he make errors that will lead others astray. All are to seek diligently for the wisdom that God gives to those who walk in faith. God sent Christ to our world to show what human beings may become through the aid of divine grace. (RH May 13, 1909, 7)
Christ was tempted in all points like as we are tempted, yet he maintained his integrity. Not once did he swerve from his allegiance. No stain of sin marred his life. He is our example. We are to follow him. Every good word uttered, every good action performed, will exert an influence that will be as lasting as eternity. God expects his chosen people to co-operate with him. They are to advance constantly in their religious experience, drawing nearer to Christ, becoming more like him, daily revealing more nearly the perfection he requires. Such an assimilation to Christ makes human beings examples of what God expects his children to be. And this experience all must gain who are pronounced worthy to enter the holy city. (RH May 13, 1909, 8)
The experience of the Son of God in our world exemplifies the love that every pardoned sinner must feel in his heart and reveal in his life,—the love which Christ declared his disciples must show for one another. “Little children,” he said to them, “yet a little while I am with you. Ye shall seek me: and as I said to the Jews, Whither I go, ye can not come; so now I say to you. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” (RH May 13, 1909, 9)
This was a new commandment to the disciples. The Saviour had not yet given his disciples the full revelation of his love for them. After his agony in Gethsemane, his betrayal, and his trial; after his abuse at the hands of his murderers, and his sufferings on Calvary, his disciples realized more fully how much he loved them. (RH May 13, 1909, 10)
Continuing his instruction, he said, “As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” (RH May 13, 1909, 11)
Let the workers in God's cause press together, working in perfect harmony, placing all their faculties at God's disposal, to be used in demonstrating the power of his grace. Then God will be honored and glorified. The Lord wants his people to stand far above all selfish interests. He wants them to conquer the temptations they meet. He calls for the communion of saints. When the Lord's people are filled with meekness and tenderness for one another, they will realize that his banner over them is love, and his fruit will be sweet to their taste. Heaven will begin on earth. They will make a heaven below in which to prepare for heaven above. (RH May 13, 1909, 12)