〉 September 19, 1907
September 19, 1907
Doing God's Will
Those who submit to the solemn rite of baptism pledge themselves, before the heavenly universe, to come out from the world. They have taken their position under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel, to be laborers together with God, and as such to make known his will to those who are perishing in sin. They are to search the Scriptures diligently, feeling that it is of the highest importance for them to understand what saith the Lord. Having learned his will, they are to do it heartily, remembering that the truth is the seed they must sow in order to reap a harvest for God. But many of those who claim to believe the truth are not striving as they should for perfection of character. (RH September 19, 1907, 1)
Christ says, “Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” (RH September 19, 1907, 2)
In these words our work is plainly outlined. Those who represent Christ must obey God's commandments; for Christ obeyed them. (RH September 19, 1907, 3)
In order to keep God's commandments, we must have an intelligent knowledge of the Scriptures. We can not obey God until we know what his commandments are. It was that we might understand his will that God gave us the Bible. By a study of its teachings, we learn to deny self and to conform our lives to its requirements. (RH September 19, 1907, 4)
Dear friends, you are without excuse if you fail of obtaining a clear understanding of God's will. “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.” God has kept back nothing that is necessary for the enlightenment of his children. No one can plead in excuse for transgression that he was left in ignorance, that the way to heaven was not clearly marked out. We have not been left to serve God in a vague, uncertain way. (RH September 19, 1907, 5)
How can you educate your children in the things of God unless you first know for yourselves what is right and what is wrong; unless you realize that obedience means eternal life, and disobedience eternal death? Make it your life-work to gain an understanding of the will of God. Thus only can you train your children aright. Bring your every word and action into harmony with the Word of God, irrespective of the opinions and practises of those who refuse to obey him. (RH September 19, 1907, 6)
Had the inhabitants of the old world kept God's law, they would have continued to enjoy his favor. But they disobeyed, and their wickedness became unbearable to him. The words of Jude vividly portray the condition of the world at that time: “These are spots in your feasts of charity, ... clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.” (RH September 19, 1907, 7)
God determined to purify the world by a flood; but in mercy and love he gave the antediluvians a probation of one hundred and twenty years. During this time, while the ark was building, the voices of Noah, Methuselah, and many others were heard in warning and entreaty, and every blow struck on the ark was a warning message. (RH September 19, 1907, 8)
Today the past is repeated. God is sending men plain warnings. The recent earthquakes show how quickly the ungodly will perish when the judgments of God fall upon the earth. Already, in flood and flame, his judgments are falling upon evil-doers. All who refuse to repent will perish. (RH September 19, 1907, 9)
Those parents who know the truth, but who do not fulfil the obligations resting upon them, must soon meet the result of their neglect. Those who do not perform the duties that God gives them because it is not convenient to be so particular, so different from the world, are training their children to become more and more like the world, and to perish in disobedience. (RH September 19, 1907, 10)
Parents, be loyal to God. Represent him in the home life. Look upon the training of your children as a sacred work, entrusted to you by the Most High. (RH September 19, 1907, 11)