〉 February 2, 1905
February 2, 1905
An Open Letter
“Elmshaven,” Sanitarium, Cal.,
January 11, 1905.
To Our Workers in Washington, D.C.
Dear Brethren and Sisters,
You are engaged in a most important work, and I feel a deep interest in all of you. I am hoping that every stroke that is made in Takoma Park and in the city of Washington toward the upbuilding of the cause of God, may tell to the glory of the Lord. I pray that you may all work in such a way that many souls shall be brought to a knowledge of the truth for this time. Let all who can speak words of the Master be wide-awake now, just now, when so much depends upon the earnestness of our efforts. We have not a moment to lose, The end is nearer than when we first believed. Keep your eyes fixed steadfastly on Jesus. Seek the Lord daily for a new consecration. (RH February 2, 1905, 1)
Often ask yourselves the question, “What must I do to be saved?” Then search your Bibles, and pray earnestly for the impartation of the Holy Spirit, that you may understand the truth as it is in Jesus. Remember that you are workers together with God, and that your hearts are to be purified from all defilement. Put away all strife, all evil speaking and evil thinking. Remember that haphazard work will not answer now. We are to do faithful work in upholding the claims of God's law. (RH February 2, 1905, 2)
Truth in the heart guides us to Christ who is the author of all truth, and the only one who can cleanse the soul from defilement. The practise of the principles of truth fills the soul with peace. (RH February 2, 1905, 3)
The Medical Missionary Work
I am very much pleased to know that our brethren in Washington have been successful in finding, in a good locality, a building suitable for well-equipped treatment rooms. I see the providence of God in this. I have been instructed that some provision must be made to carry on sanitarium work in this city as soon as possible, while the sanitarium building at Takoma Park is being erected. It would be in harmony with the instruction given me for our brethren to begin sanitarium work in rented buildings in the cities, and then carry on the work until other buildings outside of the cities can be provided. Patients can be transferred from the city place to the institutions in the country. City treatment rooms and country sanitariums can work together advantageously and harmoniously. In Washington the sanitarium work should thus make rapid advancement. The city patients can be gathered in by the place in the city, and from there be taken to Takoma Park, which is only a few miles away, and where they can have the retirement of rural life. (RH February 2, 1905, 4)
In our Washington work wise, competent physicians, efficient managers, and nurses with the very best qualifications will be needed. Earnest, devoted young people also will be needed, to enter the work as nurses. These young men and women will increase in capability as they use conscientiously the knowledge they gain, and they will become better and better qualified to be the Lord's helping hand. They may become successful missionaries, pointing souls to the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world, and whose healing efficiency can save both soul and body. (RH February 2, 1905, 5)
The Lord wants wise men and women, acting in the capacity of nurses, to comfort and help the sick and suffering. Through the ministrations of these nurses, those who have heretofore taken no interest in religious things will be led to ask, “What must I do to be saved?” The sick will be led to Christ by the patient attention of nurses who anticipate their wants, and who bow in prayer and ask the great Medical Missionary to look with compassion upon the sufferer, and to let the soothing influence of his grace be felt, and his restoring power be exercised. (RH February 2, 1905, 6)
O that all who are sick and afflicted could be ministered to by Christlike physicians and nurses, who could help them to place their weary, pain-racked bodies in the care of the great Healer, in faith looking to him for restoration! (RH February 2, 1905, 7)
The nervous timidity of the sick will be overcome as they are made acquainted with the intense interest that the Saviour has for all suffering humanity. O the depth of the love of Christ! To redeem us from death, he died on the cross of Calvary. (RH February 2, 1905, 8)
Let our physicians and nurses ever bear in mind the words, “We are laborers together with God.” Let every physician and every nurse learn how to work for the alleviation of mental as well as physical suffering. At this time, when sin is so prevalent and so violently revealed, how important it is that our sanitariums be conducted in such a way that they will accomplish the greatest amount of good. How important that all the workers in these institutions know how to speak words in season to those who are weary and sin sick. (RH February 2, 1905, 9)
Physicians and nurses should ever be kind and cheerful, putting away all gloom and sadness. Let faith grasp the hand of Christ for his healing touch. (RH February 2, 1905, 10)
As our nurses minister patiently to those who are sick in body and soul, let them ask God to work for the suffering ones, that they may be led to know Christ, and let them believe that their prayers will be answered. In all that is done, let the love of Christ be revealed. (RH February 2, 1905, 11)
Every sincere Christian bows to Jesus as the true physician of souls. When he stands by the bedside of the afflicted, there will be many not only converted but healed. He who declared, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” will be with his faithful physicians and nurses as they strive to co-operate with him. If through judicious ministration the patient is led to give his soul to Christ, and to bring his thoughts into obedience to the will of God, a great victory is gained. (RH February 2, 1905, 12)
It is for the object of soul saving that our sanitariums are established. In our daily ministrations we see many care-worn, sorrowful faces. What does the sorrow on these faces show?—The need of the soul for the peace of Christ. Poor, sad human beings go to broken cisterns, which can hold no water, thinking to quench their thirst. Let them hear a voice saying, “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters.” Poor, weary, oppressed souls, seeking you know not what, come to the water of life. All heaven is yearning over you. (RH February 2, 1905, 13)
“Come to Me, that ye might have life.” (RH February 2, 1905, 14)
It is that thirsting souls may be led to the living water that we plead for sanitariums, not expensive, mammoth sanitariums, but homelike institutions, in pleasant places. (RH February 2, 1905, 15)
Never, never build mammoth sanitariums. Let these institutions be small, and let there be more of them, that the work of winning souls to Christ may be accomplished. It may often be necessary to start sanitarium work in the city, but never build a sanitarium in a city. Rent a building, and keep looking for a suitable place out of the city. The sick are to be reached, not by massive buildings, but by the establishment of many small sanitariums, which are to be as lights shining in a dark place. Those who are engaged in this work are to reflect the sunlight of Christ's face. They are to be as salt that has not lost its savor. By sanitarium work, properly conducted, the influence of true, pure religion will be extended to many souls. (RH February 2, 1905, 16)
From our sanitariums trained workers are to go forth into places where the truth has never been proclaimed, and do missionary work for the Master, claiming the promise, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Christ can bring light out of darkness. (RH February 2, 1905, 17)
I appeal to all who have means to make a determined effort to carry out the instruction God has given regarding the establishment of a sanitarium in Takoma Park. Let our people rally to the support of this important enterprise. Let the churches in every State act their part, that the work in Washington may not come to a standstill. Let us make liberal gifts to this work, and the Lord will bless us and it. We can not see this work coming to a standstill while it is but half done. It need not come to a standstill if all our people will come up to the help of the Lord. (RH February 2, 1905, 18)
Let us come up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty powers of darkness. Satan is working with intensity of purpose to enslave and destroy souls. Let us take a firm stand against him. The word of God urges every one to go steadily forward on the upward grade, pressing toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (RH February 2, 1905, 19)
(Signed) Ellen G. White.