March 10, 1903
The Workers Needed
God's people have a mighty work before them, and it must continually rise to greater prominence. At the beginning, this work was small. Only a few were engaged in carrying it forward. But gradually the work has enlarged; God has brought it from a small beginning to great importance. His truth was to be defended; for men were placing contempt upon the Sabbath of creation. God wrought with power; as often as the opposers sought to destroy his work, they were defeated. And the progress of the work in the future is to be much greater than it has been in the past. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 1)
A great crisis is just before us. In their blindness men boast of wonderful progress and enlightenment, but to the eye of Omniscience is revealed the inward guilt and depravity. The heavenly Watcher sees the earth filled with robbery and crime. Wealth is obtained by every species of robbery, not robbery of men only, but of God. Men are using his means to gratify their selfishness. Everything that they can grasp is made to minister to their greed. Avarice and sensuality prevail. Men revenge themselves on those who, they suppose, have hindered the success of their ambitious projects. They cherish the attributes of the great deceiver. They have accepted him as God, and have become imbued with his spirit. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 2)
God is now restraining the forces of evil, that the last warning may be given to the world. Now is the time to work. Many more workers ought to be in the field. There should be one hundred workers where there is now but one. Many who have not been ordained or licensed may work in their own neighborhoods and in the regions about them. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 3)
There are lessons for us to learn at this time from the experience of those who labored for God in past generations. How little we know of the conflicts and trials and labors of these men, as they fitted themselves to meet the armies of Satan. Putting on the whole armor of God, they were able to stand against the wiles of Satan. Their word was: “My brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 4)
These men who in the past gave themselves to God and to the uplifting of his cause were as true as steel to principle. They were men who would not fail nor be discouraged; men who, like Daniel, were full of reverence and zeal for God, full of noble purposes and aspirations. They were as weak and helpless as any of those who are now engaged in the work, but they put their whole trust in God. They had wealth, but it consisted of mind and soul culture. This every one may have who will make God first and last and best in everything. Although destitute of wisdom, knowledge, virtue, and power, we may receive all these if we will learn from Christ the lessons that it is our privilege to learn. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 5)
In this time we have opportunities and advantages that it was not easy to obtain in generations past. We have increased light, and this has come through the work of those faithful sentinels who made God their dependence, and received power from him to let light shine in clear, bright rays to the world. In our day we have increased light to improve, as in times past men and women of noble worth improved the light that God gave them. They toiled long to learn the lessons given them in the school of Christ, and they did not toil in vain. Their persevering efforts were rewarded. They bound themselves up with the mightiest of all powers, and yet they were ever longing for a deeper, higher, and broader comprehension of eternal realities, that they might successfully present the treasures of truth to a needy world. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 6)
Workers of this character are needed now. Those who are men in the sight of God, and who are thus recorded in the books of heaven, are those who, like Daniel, cultivate every faculty in such a way as best to represent the kingdom of God in a world lying in wickedness. Progress in knowledge is essential; for when employed in the cause of God, knowledge is a power for good. The world needs men of thought, men of principle, men who are constantly growing in understanding and discernment. The press is in need of men to use it to the best advantage, that the truth may be given wings to speed it to every nation, and tongue, and people. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 7)
We need to make use of the youth who will cultivate honest industry, who are not afraid to put their powers to task. Such youth will find a position anywhere, because they falter not by the way; in mind and soul they bear the divine similitude. Their eye is single, and constantly they press onward and upward, crying, Victory. But there is no call for the indolent, the fearful and unbelieving, who by their lack of faith and their unwillingness to deny self for Christ's sake, keep the work from advancing. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 8)
There are men who possess excellent faculties, but who have come to a standstill. They do not go forward to victory. And the ability with which God has endowed them is of no value to his cause, because it is unused. Many of these men are found among the grumblers. They grumble because, they say, they are not appreciated. But they do not appreciate themselves sufficiently to co-operate with the greatest Teacher the world has ever known. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 9)
Of what use is it for those who do nothing to long to rise higher than they are? Let them work. Let them rise and advance. Keep step with the great Leader. If you have gone as high as your capabilities will permit, why do you cherish dissatisfaction? Why complain that others do not appreciate you? If you think that you can stand in a higher position, prove yourselves worthy of that position, and still advance. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 10)
Those who have sown the seeds of indolence and ignorance will reap that which they have sown. It is hard study, hard toil, persevering diligence, that obtain victories. Waste no hours, no moments. The results of work, earnest, faithful work, will be seen and appreciated. Those who wish for stronger minds can gain them by diligence. The mind increases in power and efficiency by use. It becomes strong by hard thinking. He who uses most diligently his mental and physical powers will achieve the greatest results. Every power of the being strengthens by action. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 11)
We need as workers men and women who are imbued with the Spirit of Christ, who realize that they are united in church capacity that they may use their influence and power to save those who are without God and without hope in the world. In the name of Christ we call upon every church-member to deny self, take up the cross, and follow Jesus. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 12)
God calls for those who will be workers together with him. Connected with Christ, human nature becomes pure and true. Christ supplies the efficiency, and man becomes a power for good. Truthfulness and integrity are attributes of God, and he who possesses these attributes possesses a power that is invincible. (RH March 10, 1903, Art. A, 13)
An Appeal in Behalf of the Washington (D. C.) Church
“Elmshaven,” Sanitarium, Cal.,
February 22, 1903.
Dear Brethren and Sisters,
I have been pleased to learn, through reading the Review, and from letters from Elder J. S. Washburn, that a church building in Washington, D. C., formerly known as the Central Methodist Protestant church, has been purchased by the Second Seventh-day Adventist church of that city. A house of worship was greatly needed by our people in the section of the city where this property is situated. The purchase of this church will provide a suitable place in which witness can be borne to the truths we advocate. The building will stand as a memorial for God. (RH March 10, 1903, 1)
This property must now be paid for. Some payments have already been made, but a large sum must yet be raised to complete the payments. We therefore ask those who have means, to act as the Lord's helping hand by doing something to help to free this church from debt. Every penny given will help. If all will give what they can, the indebtedness will soon be liquidated. We pray that those who can help in this enterprise may be constrained to do so by their love for Christ. We regard the purchase of this church property as a wise step, and your co-operation in assisting the brethren there to pay for it will bring you into harmony with the beneficent purposes of the gospel. (RH March 10, 1903, 2)
Let those who have means use it wisely. It is a talent lent them by the Lord to be used when called for to advance his cause. In the place of spending money for selfish pleasure, let every one deny self and lift the cross. God's blessing will follow. (RH March 10, 1903, 3)
Do not all our people desire to share in the privilege of paying for the house of worship in Washington, D. C.? If every one of the believers in this country would give something, the necessary sum would be raised, and the amount given by each would scarcely be missed. Let us help our brethren in the national capital; for they are too poor and too few in number to bear the burden alone. Those who share in this missionary enterprise by making gifts, large or small, according to their ability, will ever after feel a deeper interest in the progress of the Lord's cause in Washington. Those who respond to this call, making gifts to the Lord for the purchase of this church property, will receive rich blessing for so doing. (RH March 10, 1903, 4)
Ellen G. White.