July 9, 1901
Overcoming as Christ Overcame
“To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne.” (RH July 9, 1901, 1)
In these words an individual work is laid out for each one of us. We are to make determined efforts to overcome as Christ overcame. From this warfare no one is excused. If for us the gates of the holy city swing ajar, if we behold the King in His beauty, we must now overcome as Christ overcame. (RH July 9, 1901, 2)
In order for us to understand how Christ overcame, we must study the record of His life on earth. We must seek to understand the infinite sacrifice He made in order to save the race from eternal death. He laid aside His robes of royalty, His high command, His riches, and for our sake became poor, that we might come into possession of an immortal inheritance. In our behalf, He met and conquered the prince of darkness. (RH July 9, 1901, 3)
Adam and Eve transgressed the law of God. They ate of the forbidden fruit, and were driven from Eden. We might well rejoice if this had been the only fall. But since the fall of Adam, the history of the human race has been a succession of falls. (RH July 9, 1901, 4)
Looking upon this earth, Christ saw that men were so weak in moral power that it was impossible for them to overcome in their own strength. Therefore He left His heavenly home, and walked a man among men. He brought to us divine aid; and as we accept this aid, we can claim certain victory through Jesus of Nazareth. (RH July 9, 1901, 5)
When we think of the conflict before us and the great work that we must do, we tremble. But we may remember that our Helper is almighty. We may feel strong in His strength. We may unite our ignorance to His wisdom, our feebleness to His might, our weakness to His unfailing strength. Through Him we may be “more than conquerors.” (RH July 9, 1901, 6)
Through the power of appetite Satan has gained control of men and women. How difficult it is to obtain the victory over appetite when once it is established. How important that parents bring their children up with pure tastes and unperverted appetites. Parents should ever remember that upon them rests the responsibility of training their children in such a way that they will have moral stamina to resist the evil that will surround them when they go out into the world. (RH July 9, 1901, 7)
Christ did not ask His Father to take the disciples out of the world, but to keep them from the evil in the world, to keep them from yielding to the temptations which they would meet on every hand. This prayer fathers and mothers should offer for their children. But shall they plead with God, and then leave their children to do as they please? God cannot keep children from evil if the parents do not co-operate with Him. Bravely and cheerfully parents should take up their work, carrying it forward with unwearying endeavor. Temperance and self-control should be taught from the cradle. Upon the mother largely rests the burden of this work, and aided by the father, she may carry it forward successfully. (RH July 9, 1901, 8)
The lesson of self-control should begin with the infant in its mother's arms. The child should be taught that its will must be brought into subjection. It must learn that it does not live to eat, but eat to live. But how many parents, by the food which they place upon their tables, prepare the way for their children to crave stronger stimulants. Soon you will see the boys of such a family smoking. And as twin evils, tobacco and alcohol go together. (RH July 9, 1901, 9)
To the mother belongs the duty of making the home a pleasant place for her children. The home may be plain, but it can always be a place where cheerful words are spoken, and kindly deeds are done, where courtesy and love are abiding guests. Mothers instead of devoting so much time to the adornment of your own and your children's dresses, take time to get acquainted with your children. Study their dispositions and temperaments, that you may know how to deal with them. Some children need more attention than others. They need gentle, encouraging words. How easy it is for mothers to speak words of kindness and affection which will send a sunbeam to the hearts of the little ones, causing them to forget their troubles. (RH July 9, 1901, 10)
Who are these children committed to our care?—They are the younger members of the Lord's family. He says, Take these children and train them for me. Educate them so that they will be polished after the similitude of a palace, prepared to shine in the courts of my house. (RH July 9, 1901, 11)
What an important work! And yet we hear mothers sighing for missionary work! If they could only go to some foreign country, they would feel that they were doing something worth while. But to take up the daily duties of the home life and carry them forward, seems to them like an exhausting and thankless task. And why? Because the mother's work is rarely appreciated. She has a thousand cares and burdens of which no one knows. When her husband comes home at night, he frequently brings with him the cares of his business. He forgets that his wife has any care, and if things in the home do not exactly suit him, he speaks impatiently, and perhaps harshly. (RH July 9, 1901, 12)
The mother has perhaps done her utmost to keep things running smoothly. She has tried to speak kindly to the children, and this has cost her an effort. It has taken much patience to keep the children busy and happy. But she cannot speak of what she has done as some great achievement. It seems as if she had done nothing. But it is not so. Heavenly angels watch the careworn mother, noting the burdens she carries day by day. Her name may not have been heard in the world, but it is written in the Lamb's book of life. The mother occupies a position more exalted than that of the king upon his throne. (RH July 9, 1901, 13)
There is a God above, and the light and glory which shines from His throne rests upon the tired mother as she tries to educate her children to resist the influence of evil. (RH July 9, 1901, 14)
The husband should appreciate the work of his wife. When he enters the home in the evening, he should leave his business cares outside. He should enter the home with smiles and pleasant words. If the wife feels that she can lean upon the large affections of her husband, that his arm will sustain her, that his voice will be heard in encouragement, her work will lose half its dread. (RH July 9, 1901, 15)
Christ loves the children. He watches mothers to see if they are forming the characters of their little ones according to the perfect pattern. When He was upon this earth, mothers brought their children to Him, thinking that if they were to receive His blessing, they would be more easily trained in the way of God. When these mothers came, the disciples rebuked them; but Christ knew why they had come. He knew that they were expecting a Saviour's blessing, and drawing the children to Him, He said to the disciples, “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (RH July 9, 1901, 16)
It costs something to bring children up in the way of God. It costs a mother's tears and a father's prayers. It calls for unflagging effort, for patient instruction, here a little and there a little. But this work pays. Parents can thus build around their children bulwarks which will preserve them from the evil that is flooding our world. (RH July 9, 1901, 17)
Parents, take time to establish in your children correct appetites and habits. Take them into the open air, and point them to the beautiful things of nature. Teach them that in each leaf they can trace the wonderful power and love of God. Tell them that God's hand paints the colors on every flower. (RH July 9, 1901, 18)
When upon this earth, Christ pointed to the lilies opening their buds upon the bosom of the lake. There they grew, pressing their way through the weeds, refusing all that would taint their beauty, gathering to themselves only that which would help develop the beautiful blossom. “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow,” the Saviour said; “they toil not, neither do they spin; and yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” Thus Christ sought to lead us to think of God's great love for His children. “If God so clothe the grass of the field,” He said, “which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?” (RH July 9, 1901, 19)
All effort for outward display is unnecessary and useless. We may spend our God-given time in striving for artificial adornment, and yet not bear comparison with a simple flower of the field. Draw the minds of your children from the artificial to the natural. Point them to the things which God has made. Teach them about God by means of His created works. The lessons thus given will be remembered. (RH July 9, 1901, 20)
The great burden in the education of children rests upon the mother. She it is who forms their characters. The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. Mothers, remember that in your work the Creator of the universe will give you help. In His strength, and through His name, you can lead your children to be overcomers. Teach them to look to God for strength. Tell them that He hears their prayers. Teach them to overcome evil with good. Teach them to exert an influence that is elevating and ennobling. Lead them to unite with God, and then they will have strength to resist the strongest temptation. They will then receive the reward of the overcomer. (RH July 9, 1901, 21)