〉 February 12, 1889
February 12, 1889
Revival Work in the Battle Creek Church
The revival services held during the week of prayer and since that time have accomplished a good work in the Battle Creek church. Elds. A. T. Jones, J. O. Corliss, and others took an active part in conducting the meetings. The principal topic dwelt upon was justification by faith, and this truth came as meat in due season to the people of God. The living oracles of God were presented in new and precious light. The Holy Spirit, working through human agencies, revealed the deep significance of long-known truths relating to the new and startling movements in the development of the Religious Amendment to the Constitution. This made the meetings of more than usual interest as the application of prophecy was plainly made to our own time. The Lord worked with the efforts of his servants, and made his work effective. (RH February 12, 1889, 1)
Through all Scripture, in both the Old and the New Testaments, Christ himself speaks; for he is the Word of God; and he who communicates his word is only the instrument of his power. There must be the co-operation of the divine with the human, or the ministry of the word will be powerless. Said Christ, “Without me, ye can do nothing.” The truth as it is in Jesus, accompanied by divine energy, has been brought before the people, and we have reason to praise God that it has been with marked effect upon the church. The work of deep heart-searching has been gradually going forward. Many have sought the Lord with confession of sins and contrition of soul, and have been blessed and made joyful by the God of their salvation. Those who have hitherto been almost destitute of faith have discerned its simplicity, and have been enabled to lay hold of the promises of God. They could truly say, with the prophet, “The hand of our God is upon all them ... that seek him;- but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him. So we fasted and besought our God for this, and he was entreated of us.” The prophet trusted not in man, but in God alone, and he received help. So it has been with the church. Their offerings were accepted, their faith was directed to Christ, our Righteousness, and the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, has been revealed to their souls. Personal efforts have been made to reach those who were backslidden and enshrouded in darkness. But while many have found light and peace, there are still others in this large church who need a deep work of grace wrought in their hearts. (RH February 12, 1889, 2)
Meetings were held in the College which were intensely interesting. The Spirit of the Lord wrought upon hearts, and there was a precious work done in the conversion of souls. There has been no excitement felt or manifested. The work has been accomplished by the deep movings of the Spirit of God, and men have moved intelligently and in faith. The manner in which God works is always determined by the necessities of the case. The Spirit of the Lord, with its still, small voice, invites sinners to come to Christ, saying, “Turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die?” “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Divine wisdom suggests ways and means of reaching the conscience and the understanding. Precious facts in the history of revealed truth and in Christian experience were presented, and decisions were fully made on the Lord's side. Sinners were led to behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world. The Christian life, which had before seemed to them undesirable and full of inconsistencies, now appeared in its true light, in remarkable symmetry and beauty. He who had been to them as a root out of dry ground, without form or comeliness, became “the chiefest among ten thousand,” and the one altogether lovely. (RH February 12, 1889, 3)
All heaven is interested in the salvation of souls. As one after another of these students of Battle Creek College, hitherto ignorant of the truth and of the saving grace of God, espoused the cause of Christ, what joy was there in the heavenly courts! As they gave expression to their hope in Christ, it was not surprising that joy and gratitude to God were expressed by the workers. (RH February 12, 1889, 4)
Meetings were held in the morning at half-past five in the Sanitarium Hospital. I had much freedom in speaking to the workers from the various departments of the Sanitarium. From morning to morning, the social meetings increased in interest, and many precious testimonies were borne, expressing the joy that souls had found in believing in Jesus. There were many whose in minds had been clouded with doubt, but the light received from the explanation of Scripture encouraged their faith, while the truth was revealed to their minds and hearts in a light in which they had never before seen it. They also had clearer views of the mercy, goodness, and love of God, and realized something of how dishonoring to their Maker was their unbelief. These meetings were protracted for the period of three weeks, and we deeply regretted that they could not have been longer continued. (RH February 12, 1889, 5)
The constant and diligent work which must be faithfully performed in the Sanitarium, makes it difficult to give extended time to meetings. The attendance and treatment of invalids require constant vigilance. But I thank the Lord for the moral and religious influence that is felt in the Sanitarium. I thank God for the good work done in the Sabbath-school, the missionary meetings, and in the regular religious services for patients and helpers. Those who bear weighty responsibilities acted an interested part in the services. There are many who become interested in the truth at the institution, and many are here converted to God. Here is a broad missionary field, and a most thorough missionary work can be accomplished by wise and well-directed effort. If all who have a knowledge of the truth will daily put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and by a well-ordered life and godly conversation correctly represent what they claim to believe, a work may be accomplished in the salvation of souls that will make Heaven rejoice. God forbid that any one connected with this institution should be actuated in the smallest degree by selfish, worldly motives. The gospel of Christ will admit of no compromise. In the Sanitarium the people of God are brought into close connection with the people of the world; but the Lord requires his people to keep themselves unspotted from the world. He wants them to shine as lights in the midst of men. The Lord, in his providence, will yet cause the truth of his word to shine in the courts of kings, even going forth from this institution. The principles of divine truth are to be revealed in such a way as to affect the philosophy and the customs of men, both in society and in family life, and have a molding influence on individual character. To be the light of the world means more than many suppose. The receivers of the word of God are the active instruments in diffusing light to others. Those who go forth with a knowledge of how to treat the sick, and of the principles of temperance, in eating, drinking, and dressing, many not only do a work to relieve physical suffering, but also lead souls to the Great Physician for healing. This is what Christ meant when he said, “Ye are the light of the world.” The broad commission of revealing Christ to the world is given to every Christian, and none are to refuse to shine. (RH February 12, 1889, 6)
Meetings were held with the workers of the publishing-house from twelve to one o'clock daily. I had the privilege of speaking to the workers here, as the Lord gave me utterance, and these seasons were refreshing to my soul. Some time was devoted to social meeting. Many good testimonies were borne, and it made my heart glad to see those who had been connected with the publishing work for a period of thirty years, rejoice as young converts rejoice in their first love. They expressed their gladness and gratitude of heart for the sermons that had been preached by Bro. A. T. Jones; they saw the truth, goodness, mercy, and love of God as they never before had seen it. They humbled their hearts, confessed their sins, and removed everything that had separated their souls from God, and the Lord had put a new song into their mouth, even praises unto his name. It was manifest that a renovation had taken place; for they expressed their determination of soul to work earnestly to counteract the evil influence they had exerted in the past. There were many who testified that they were free in the Lord,—not free from temptations; for they had these to contend with every day,—but they believed that their sins were forgiven. O, how we long to have every soul come out into the liberty of the sons of God! Will any of these who have tasted of the Bread of Life ever loathe the manna that has been so sweet to their souls at these meetings? Thank God that every one may have the privilege of gathering according to his wants. Jesus dispenses his gifts liberally. May the good work begun in the Battle Creek church be carried onward and upward till every soul shall be consecrated, purified, refined, and fitted for the society of heavenly angels! (RH February 12, 1889, 7)
Mrs. E. G. White