〉 South Lancaster, Wednesday, October 29, 1890
South Lancaster, Wednesday, October 29, 1890
I arose early and sought the Lord in prayer for His blessing. I can of myself do nothing. My strength, I sensibly feel, is weakness. But the Lord is my Helper; in Him will I trust. (MR1033 16.3)
I spoke in the academy at half-past eight o’clock. The students were assembled and I have much pleasure in saying I have not seen a better class of students assembled in any school than is now attending the South Lancaster Academy. I dwelt largely upon the necessity of their making themselves all that they possibly could, always trusting in the Lord to open their understanding and give them His grace and His wisdom.—Manuscript 42, 1890, 33 (Diary 16, p. 276). (MR1033 16.4)