Statements penned by Ellen G. White, regarding her work as the messenger of the Lord and concerning the processes by which God communicates his will to members of the human family, are always helpful and interesting. Such are presented in this opening section of Selected Messages. (1SM 14.1)
Although the question of inspiration was touched on at intervals through her seventy years of ministry, the outstanding presentation is the author’s introduction to The Great Controversy (not appearing here) written in May, 1888. An earlier statement, “Objections to the Bible,” penned in 1886, is published herein, and another, “The Inspiration of the Word of God,” written in the autumn of 1888, is also presented here. A fourth major statement, “The mysteries of the Bible a proof of its inspiration,” was published in 1889 and may be found in Testimonies for the Church 5:698-711. (1SM 14.2)
Various explanations about her work, the republication of the 1913 tract “The writing and sending out of the testimonies to the church,” and Mrs. White’s answers to certain questions and charges concerning her earlier writings round out the section devoted to “The Light on Our Pathway.” (1SM 14.3)
White Trustees. (1SM 14)