Brown Driver Briggs

 1. to remove, draw out, draw off, take off, withdraw, equip (for war),
arm for war, rescue, be rescued
  1) (Qal) equipped (participle)
  2) (Niphal)
1b1. to be equipped
1b2. to go equipped
1b3. to be armed
  3) (Hiphil)
1c1. to make strong, brace up
1c2. to invigorate
2. to draw off or out, withdraw
  1) (Qal)
2a1. to draw, draw off
2a2. to withdraw
  2) (Niphal)
2b1. to be delivered
2b2. to be saved
  3) (Piel)
2c1. to pull out, tear out
2c2. to rescue, deliver, set free
2c3. to take away, plunder