Wednesday(1.17), Ever Mindful of His Covenant
 The theme of God’s judgment prompts a significant question: How can God’s people have peace with God and assurance of salvation at the time of judgment? Read Ps. 94:14, Ps. 105:7-10, Dan. 7:22.

 God’s people are secure because the Lord placed His dwelling place in Zion (Ps. 76:1, 2) and established His everlasting covenant with them as His treasured possession (Ps. 94:14, Ps. 105:8-10). God does not simply promise not to reject His covenantal people—He actively works to keep them secure in Him. He forgives their sins (Ps. 103:3); He instructs, blesses, and strengthens His people (Ps. 25:8-11, Ps. 29:11, Ps. 105:24). God’s judgments are given to turn the people to righteousness and to demonstrate that God cares for them (Ps. 94:8-15).

 Psalm 105 as a whole shows the Lord’s faithfulness to His covenant in Israel’s history. In everything that happened, the good and the bad, God was there. He providentially led Joseph to Egypt and through him saved His people and the nations in that area during the severe famine (Ps. 105:16-24). The Lord raised Moses to lead His people out of Egyptian slavery, which he did with signs and wonders on their behalf (Ps. 105:25-38).

 The Lord granted His people the Promised Land (Ps. 105:11, 44) and His continual protection (Ps. 105:12-15). He multiplied them (Ps. 105:24), freed them from their overlords (Ps. 105:37, 38), and provided for their daily needs (Ps. 105:39-41). The Lord is undoubtedly in sovereign control of all that involves His people—a truth that the psalmists wanted His people never to forget.

 When God remembers His covenant, it involves more than cognizance or memory because it always leads to action (Gen. 8:1, 1 Sam. 1:19, Ps. 98:3, Ps. 105:42-44). Likewise, when the people are called to remember God’s wonders and judgments, it means that the people should live in ways that honor God.

 In this covenant, Israel’s primary calling is to remain faithful to the covenant by observing God’s laws (Ps. 78:5-7, Ps. 105:45). God’s people also are called to bear witness about God to other nations because the Lord wishes all nations to join His people Israel (Ps. 105:1, 2). The world is thus secure in the protective covenant of the almighty and merciful God (Ps. 89:28-34).

 What do we have in Jesus, which shows why these promises made to ancient Israel can now apply to us? (See Gal. 3:26-29.)