Wednesday(5.10), Gospel, Judgment, Creation
 Look at the first angel’s message. Everlasting gospel. Hour of judgment. Worship the Creator. Look at how closely related these ideas are. When we stand before our Creator in judgment, it’s only the gospel that gives us any hope at all. “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Rom. 8:1, NKJV). No condemnation now — and certainly not in the judgment.

 The message of God as Creator is so central to present truth, especially when evolution, even when dressed up in “Christian” garb, threatens to destroy the entire foundation of the Christian faith.

 Yet, amid the onslaught of evolutionary thought, God has raised up a church, a people whose very name itself is a witness against the idea of evolution &mdash a people who are to proclaim the foundational truth of God as our Creator and Redeemer.

 Read Ephesians 3:9, Colossians 1:13-17, Revelation 4:11, and Romans 5:17-19. What do these texts teach about Jesus as Creator and Redeemer?

 Look at how closely tied Jesus as Creator is to Jesus as Redeemer. The moment that His role as Creator is diminished, as evolution inevitably does, His role as our Redeemer comes into question, as well. Jesus comes to redeem us from sin, from death, from suffering, and from violence — when sin, death, suffering, and violence are, as evolution teaches, the very means of creation itself? God redeems us from the very process He used to create us to begin with? It’s a dangerous lie.

 And what makes it even worse is that evolution mocks the very idea of Jesus’ death on the cross. Why? Paul (see Rom. 5:17-19) inseparably links the introduction of sin, by Adam, to the death of Jesus. There’s a direct link, then, between Adam and Jesus. In any evolutionary model, however, no sinless Adam could have introduced death, because death — millions of years of death — were, supposedly, the forces and powers that were needed to create Adam to begin with.

 Hence, right from the start evolution destroys the biblical foundation of the cross. In contrast, Seventh-day Adventists, by calling the world to worship the Creator, stand as a living witness against this error.