Thursday(3.30), God’s End-time Remnant
 The devil has been at war with Christ since his rebellion in heaven (Rev. 12:7). Satan’s purpose then and his purpose now is to seize control of the universe (see Isa. 14:12-14). The focus of his attention in the last days of earth’s history is upon God’s people. Revelation 12:17 emphatically declares that the dragon (Satan) was wroth (angry) with the woman (the church) and went to make war with the rest of her offspring. This expression, the rest of her offspring, is also translated “the remnant” in the King James Version. God’s remnant remains loyal to Christ, obedient to His truth, and faithful to His mission.

 Read Revelation 12:17. What characteristics of God’s remnant, His last-day church, are found in this verse?

 In Revelation 12:17, Satan (the dragon) is angry with the woman, God’s church. The devil is furious with a people who keep the commandments of God, and he will do everything he can to destroy them.

 Eventually, he instigates a decree so that they cannot buy or sell and will be imprisoned and face death (see Rev. 13:14-17). If Satan cannot destroy Christ, he will attempt to destroy the object of Christ’s deepest affection &mdash Christ’s church. Earth’s last war is not centered on the Middle East and the various conflicts there; it is focused on the minds of God’s people scattered all over the world. It is a battle between two opposing forces, Christ and Satan. Again, no one is neutral.

 The central question in this final war is, “Who has our loyalty? Where is our allegiance?” Heaven calls for believers who are so charmed by Christ’s love, redeemed by His grace, committed to His purposes, empowered by His Spirit, and so obedient to His commands that they are willing to face death itself for His cause.

 Our world is headed for a major crisis. But in Jesus, by Jesus, through Jesus, and because of Jesus, our victory is assured — just as long as we stay connected to Him, which we do by faith, a faith that leads to obedience. It all comes down to our own choice.

 How do you see the reality of Revelation 12:17 played out in your own life, in your own Christian experience? That is, in what ways do you find the great controversy being played out in your own life?