Friday(3.24), Further Thought
 Here is a word picture of a church family who are financially faithful managers of God’s business on earth.

The Stewardship Vision for Seventh-day Adventist Churches Around the World
It’s sometime in the future; and pastors and local church leaders have been successful at creating a stewardship environment in the church. They have taught, trained, supported, and encouraged the church family in biblical financial management.

 People are implementing biblical principles into their lives. They are growing in generosity, saving on a regular basis for the unexpected, and moving out from under the bondage of consumer debt.

 Their lifestyles are marked by moderation, discipline, and contentment. Money has been eliminated as the rival god, and they are growing in their relationship with the Creator God.

 It’s Sabbath morning, and people are arriving for services. In their demeanor is a sense of peace — a lack of anxiety over financial matters, a pervading sense of contentment and gratefulness.

 Marital conflict over money has been largely eliminated. They enter worship with a sense of anticipation and expectation of God’s presence and work among them.

 The church’s ministries are fully funded, and it has a strong outreach. It extends the love of Christ in very tangible ways to those in need.

 Funds have been made available to provide church facilities that wonderfully support ministry and that are maintained with excellence.

 The question before us all is, “What is God calling us to do with whatever resources He has entrusted to us?”

Discussion Questions
 1. In class, talk about the question of how we are to understand two very clear biblical teachings: salvation by faith and a reward according to works. How do we harmonize these two concepts?

 2. Why does learning to be content with what we have now not mean that we can’t seek to better our financial position? That is, why are these ideas not necessarily in conflict?

 3. There is no question that eternity awaits us. What choices do we make now, even “little” ones, that will help determine where we will spend that eternity?