TDG 24.4, 71.3, 269.3
(This Day With God 24.4, 71.3, 269.3)
Let us be sure that our own souls are right with God, so that the Lord can teach us and guide us, and reveal His will to us. Please consider these things. And let us be much with God in prayer. The Lord is our helper and strength and fortress. If we walk humbly with God, and fear and glorify His name, He will be in our thoughts and hearts, and we shall become assimilated to His image. Let us diligently search our own hearts, and obtain that wisdom that God alone can give. (TDG 24.4) MC VC
It is the Lord’s will that you should exert a wide influence for good. Have you resolved to be a decided Christian? Then fail not nor be discouraged. Let your work have an uplifting influence, that you may be a laborer together with God. The Lord would have us all glorify His name. (TDG 71.3) MC VC
We desire that in all that is done, the Lord’s name shall be glorified, and His cause advanced. Never was there a time when wise generalship was so much needed as at the present time. Human prejudice is not of God. To be guided by impulse is very dangerous. Human impulse is a poor commodity and cannot take the place of sanctified reason. (TDG 269.3) MC VC