2SG 162
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 162)
As soon as he was afflicted his voice was often heard pleading with God for the light of his countenance, and upon his sick bed he weighed the evidences of our position, and fully embraced the third message. He grieved that he had not looked into the subject before, and would frequently exclaim, “How plain! How clear that there must be a third message as well as a first and second,” and he would say, “The third angel followed them. The two former. It is all plain now. I have deprived myself of many blessings that I might have enjoyed. I thought James and Ellen were in error. I have felt wrong towards them and want to see them once more.” (2SG 162.1) MC VC
My brother seemed to be ripening for heaven. He took no interest in worldly matters, and felt grieved when any conversation, except that of a religious character, was introduced in his room. He seemed to be holding communion with God daily, and to regard every moment as very precious, to be spent in preparing for his last change. (2SG 162.2) MC VC
We had the privilege of visiting him before his death. It was an affecting meeting. He was much changed, yet his wasted features were lighted up with joy. Bright hope of the future constantly sustained him. He did not once murmur or express a wish to live. We had seasons of prayer in his room, and Jesus seemed very near. We were obliged to separate from our dear brother, never expecting to meet him again this side of the resurrection of the just. The bitterness of the parting scene was much taken away by the hope he expressed of meeting us where parting would be no more. (2SG 162.3) MC VC