TDG 99.2, 127.5, 128.4, 217.4
(This Day With God 99.2, 127.5, 128.4, 217.4)
In dealing with unreasonable and wicked men, those who believe the truth are to be careful not to bring themselves down to the same level, where they will use the same Satanic weapons that their enemies use, by giving loose rein to strong personal feelings, and arousing against themselves and against the work the Lord has given them to do, passion and bitter enmity. Keep Jesus uplifted. We are laborers together with God. We are provided with spiritual weapons, mighty to the pulling down of the strongholds of the enemy. We must in no case misrepresent our faith by weaving unChristlike attributes into the work. We must exalt the law of God, as binding us up with Jesus Christ and all who love Him and keep His commandments. We are also to reveal a love for the souls for whom Christ has died. Our faith is to be demonstrated as a power of which Christ is the Author. And the Bible, His word, is to make us wise unto salvation. (TDG 99.2) MC VC
The Bible is the textbook, and it is to be searched diligently—not as we would read a book among many books. It must be to us the book that meets the wants of the soul. This book will make the man who studies and obeys it wise unto salvation. As food cannot nourish the body unless it be eaten and digested, neither can the Word of the living God profit the soul unless it be received as the teacher in higher educational lines, as above all human productions; unless its principles be obeyed because it is the wisdom of God.... (TDG 127.5) MC VC
All should learn their lesson from this, that they are individually amenable to God. When they love God with all their hearts, they will be wise unto salvation. They will do His will, and their light will ever be their glory, and be undiminished because they recognize and fear and serve their Lord. The solemn work rests upon every soul to consider that he is a servant of Jesus Christ, solemnly pledged by his baptismal vows to clothe himself with the righteousness of Christ. Will we carry out the living example of the Lord Jesus? (TDG 128.4) MC VC
Brother [Alfred S.] Hutchins was at one time riding in Vermont and he met a lawyer. “Well,” said the lawyer, “I understand that you are a Seventh-day Adventist.” “Yes.” “Well,” said he, “you are nothing but little men.” “Yes, we know that,” said Brother Hutchins, “but we are handling mighty subjects. It is by the study of these mighty subjects that we are trying to get truth before the people.” This is what we want—the mighty subjects that will make men wise unto salvation. (TDG 217.4) MC VC