CW 117
(Counsels to Writers and Editors 117)
Let not the editors of the Educator and the Instructor divert minds from God to man, and encourage the study of books written by men who have been disloyal to the God of heaven. The Lord will not be pleased by any turning aside of those whom He has made depositaries of sacred truth, to inquire of the gods of Ekron. Let us seek that God shall be honored, and His name glorified in all that appears in our periodicals. Let them not be devoted to the publication of the ideas of education held by the wise men of the world. Our work is to educate those who shall carry the light of truth to men, seeking to prepare a people for the second appearing of Christ in the clouds of heaven. (CW 117.1) MC VC
Instead of the constant reference to authors in our papers, instead of the publication of the lives of men, and what they have done or are doing, let a decided message to the world come from the pens of men whose writings reveal that they are under the influence of the Holy Spirit, who understand and heed the admonition of Paul to Timothy, “Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.” Those who work under the direction of the Holy Spirit will keep the educational forces turned toward Him who is too wise to err, too good to be unjust. (CW 117.2) MC VC