UL 134.3
(The Upward Look 134.3)
Christ was the Lord of heaven and earth, yet for our sake He became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich. He was made in the likeness of God, yet He humbled Himself, and took upon Him the form of a servant, that He might save us. He gave His life for our redemption. Will we accept the sacrifice? The only begotten Son of God was numbered with the transgressors, that human beings might not perish, but have everlasting life. Life eternal will be their inheritance, if they will consent to humble their proud heart and become partakers of His suffering. He patiently endured shame and mockery and derision that He might save every sinful human being who would lay hold of Him by living faith. While He hung on the cross, giving His life for our redemption, His murderers mocked Him, saying, “He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him” (Matthew 27:42).... He could have refused thus to die, but He was suffering that the world through Him might be redeemed from Satan’s claim and authority. Through His death all who believe in Him may have eternal life.... (UL 134.3) MC VC