Ev 36
(Evangelism 36)
We should improve every such opportunity as that presented by the St. Louis Fair. At all such gatherings there should be present men whom God can use. Leaflets containing the light of present truth should be scattered among the people like the leaves of autumn. To many who attend these gatherings these leaflets would be as the leaves of the tree of life, which are for the healing of the nations. (Ev 36.1) MC VC
I send you this, my brethren, that you may give it to others. Those who go forth to proclaim the truth shall be blessed by Him who has given them the burden of proclaiming this truth.... (Ev 36.2) MC VC
The time has come when, as never before, Seventh-day Adventists are to arise and shine, because their light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon them.—Letter 296, 1904. (Ev 36.3) MC VC
Surveying the Needs of the Large Cities VC
City Work Is Difficult—We feel intensely regarding the work in our cities. There are few ready to engage in the work waiting to be done. There are people of all classes to be met; and the work is difficult. But we shall encourage all who have tact and the ability to understand the situation to give themselves to the work of sounding the last note of warning to the world.—Letter 82, 1910. (Ev 36.4) MC VC
The Need of Study and Means—A few faithful workers have been trying to do something in this great, wicked city [New York]. [See also pp. 384-389, “New York.”] But their work has been difficult, because they have had so few facilities. Elder ----- and his wife have labored faithfully. But who has felt the burden of sustaining them in their labors? Who among our leading men have visited them, to learn the needs of the work?—The General Conference Bulletin, April 7, 1903. (Ev 36.5) MC VC