MM 303-4
(Medical Ministry 303-4)
Let companies now be quickly organized to go out two and two, and labor in the Spirit of Christ, following His plans. Even though some Judas may introduce himself into the ranks of the workers, the Lord will care for the work. His angels will go before and prepare the way. Before this time, every large city should have heard the testing message, and thousands should have been brought to a knowledge of the truth. Wake up the churches, take the light from under the bushel (MM 303.1) MC VC
Our Delay is Satan’s Opportunity VC
Where are the men who will work and study and agonize in prayer as did Christ? We are not to confine our efforts to a few places. “If they shall persecute you in one city, flee ye to another.” Matthew 10:23. Let Christ’s plan be followed. He was ever watching for opportunities to engage in personal labor, ever ready to interest and draw men to a study of the Scriptures. He labored patiently for men who had not an intelligent knowledge of what is truth. While we are not awake to the situation, and while much time is consumed in planning how to reach perishing souls, Satan is busy devising and blocking the way. (MM 303.2) MC VC
In view of the many neglected cities from one end of the United States to another, I am free to say that too much labor has been put forth in the plants in a few favored localities. Let not so large an expenditure of means and of time as has been devoted to ----- be given to other places; for it will be used as an evidence that we do not really believe that the end of all things is at hand. Satan knows how to make use of every inconsistency, and he will influence men to point at us and say, “They do not believe the things they teach.”— Manuscript 21, 1910. (MM 303.3) MC VC
A Mission in Every City VC
In every city there should be a city mission, that would be a training school for workers. Many of our brethren must stand condemned in the sight of God because they have not done the very work that God would have them do. (MM 303.4) MC VC
If our brethren will use their God-given ability to warn the cities, angels of God will surely go before them to make the impression upon the hearts of the people for whom they labor. The Lord has many thousands who have never bowed the knee to Baal. Let not our ministers and our physicians fail nor be discouraged.—Letter 56, 1910. (MM 303.5) MC VC
A Mighty Movement VC
There is no change in the messages that God has sent in the past. The work in the cities is the essential work for this time. When the cities are worked as God would have them, the result will be the setting in operation of a mighty movement such as we have not yet witnessed. God calls for self-sacrificing men converted to the truth to let their light shine forth in clear, distinct rays.... (MM 304.1) MC VC
As a people we are not half awake to a sense of our necessities and to the times in which we live. Wake up the watchmen. Our first work should be to search our hearts and to become reconverted. We have no time to lose upon unimportant issues.—Letter 46, 1910. (MM 304.2) MC VC
Cooperation VC
In this effort in behalf of the cities, we greatly need the cooperation of all classes of laborers. Especially do we need the help that the physician can render as an evangelist. If ministers and physicians will plan to unite in an effort to reach the honest-hearted ones in our cities, the physicians, as well as the ministers, will be placed on vantage ground. As they labor in humility God will open the way before them, and many will receive a saving knowledge of truth.— Manuscript 9, 1910. (MM 304.3) MC VC
Move Forward VC
The principles of health reform are to be promulgated as a part of the work in these cities. The voice of the third angel’s message is to be heard with power. Let the teachings of health reform be brought into every effort made to get the light of truth before the people. Let workers be selected who are qualified to teach the truth wisely in clear, simple lines. Let us not wait before beginning this work until all the way is made clear. Faith says, Move forward. Christ says, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20. Go on, step by step, departing not from that spirit of sanctification through the truth which the presence of the Spirit of God and obedience to the truth will give.— Manuscript 1, 1910. (MM 304.4) MC VC