COL 163, 168
(Christ’s Object Lessons 163, 168)
“Thus saith the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, and His Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, ... Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the Lord that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and He shall choose thee.” Isaiah 49:7. (COL 163.1) MC VC
“For every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” Luke 18:14. (COL 163.2) MC VC
Every manifestation of God’s power for His people arouses the enmity of Satan. Every time God works in their behalf, Satan with his angels works with renewed vigor to compass their ruin. He is jealous of all who make Christ their strength. His object is to instigate evil, and when he has succeeded, throw all the blame upon the tempted ones. He points to their filthy garments, their defective characters. He presents their weakness and folly, their sins of ingratitude, their unlikeness to Christ, which have dishonored their Redeemer. All this he urges as an argument proving his right to work his will in their destruction. He endeavors to affright their souls with the thought that their case is hopeless, that the stain of their defilement can never be washed away. He hopes so to destroy their faith that they will yield fully to his temptations, and turn from their allegiance to God. (COL 168.1) MC VC
The Lord’s people cannot of themselves answer the charges of Satan. As they look to themselves they are ready to despair. But they appeal to the divine Advocate. They plead the merits of the Redeemer. God can be “just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.” Romans 3:26. With confidence the Lord’s children cry unto Him to silence the accusations of Satan, and bring to naught his devices. “Do me justice of mine adversary,”(Luke 18:3) they pray; and with the mighty argument of the cross, Christ silences the bold accuser. (COL 168.2) MC VC