MM 52
(Medical Ministry 52)
Before his death this eminent physician ordered a column to be erected near the spot where his body was to lie, on which were to be inscribed these texts, as voices from eternity: “God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14. (MM 52.1) MC VC
And while Dr. Cheyne thus strove, even from the tomb, to beckon sinners to the Saviour and to glory, he concealed his own name, withholding it from the column entirely. He was not less careful to say, as speaking to the passerby, “The name and profession and age of him whose body lies beneath are of little consequence, but it may be of great importance to you to know that by the grace of God he was brought to look to the Lord Jesus as the only Saviour of sinners, and that this looking unto Jesus gave peace to his soul.” “Pray to God, pray to God,” it says, “that you may be instructed in the gospel; and be assured that God will give the Holy Spirit, the only Teacher of true wisdom, to them that ask Him.” This memorial was designed to turn the attention of all to God and cause them to lose sight of the man. (MM 52.2) MC VC
This man brought no reproach upon the cause of Christ. I tell you, dear brother, in Christ we may do all things. It is an encouragement to remember that there have been physicians who were consecrated to God, who were led and taught by God; and there may be such in this age-physicians who do not exalt self, but who walk and work with the eye single to the glory of God, men who are true to principle, true to duty, ever looking unto Jesus for His light.... (MM 52.3) MC VC
As we examine the records of the past, physician after physician rises up before us qualified to minister to the soul as well as to the body, and some of them actually doing so. Driven by the perils of their profession, they sought the wisdom of God, and were guided by His Spirit in the path whose end is glory.... (MM 52.4) MC VC