MM 17, 20, 47, 51, 117, 191
(Medical Ministry 17, 20, 47, 51, 117, 191)
Some died in the days of Christ and in the days of the apostles because the Lord knew just what was best for them.—Letter 35, 1890.
For Further Study
God, not Man, the Source of Healing:
Counsels on Health, 346 (The Ministry of Healing, 243).
The Church Empowered to Heal:
Counsels on Health, 30, 529.
Christ’s Servants, Channels of Life-Giving Energy:
Counsels on Health, 30, 31 (The Desire of Ages, 823, 824).
The Love of Christ a Vitalizing Power:
Counsels on Health, 29 (The Ministry of Healing, 115).
When Education Is Better Than Miraculous Healing:
Counsels on Health, 469.
Prayer for the Sick:
Counsels on Health, 373-382;
The Ministry of Healing, 225-2;
Testimonies for the Church 2:145-150;
Testimonies for the Church 4:565-570.
Health of Willfully Ignorant Not Miraculously Preserved:
Counsels on Health, 504.
Incident: A Degenerate Seeks Healing:
Counsels on Health, 618-621.
Obedience to Follow Healing:
Counsels on Health, 138, 139 (Testimonies for the Church 9:164, 165).
Right Living and Prayer:
Counsels on Health, 247 (Testimonies For The Church 1:561).
Miracles of Healing to Be Counterfeited by Satan:
Counsels on Health, 460, 461 (The Great Controversy, 589, 590);
Testimonies For The Church 1:302.
Warning Against Spiritualist Physicians:
Counsels on Health, 454-460.
(MM 17.1)
An Expression of God’s Love VC
Christ stands before us as the pattern Man, the great Medical Missionary—an example for all who should come after. His love, pure and holy, blessed all who came within the sphere of its influence. His character was absolutely perfect, free from the slightest stain of sin. He came as an expression of the perfect love of God, not to crush, not to judge and condemn, but to heal every weak, defective character, to save men and woman from Satan’s power. (MM 20.1) MC VC
He is the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of the human race. He gives to all the invitation, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28~30. (MM 20.2) MC VC
Following in His Footsteps VC
What, then, is the example that we are to set to the world? We are to do the same work that the great Medical Missionary undertook in our behalf. We are to follow the path of self-sacrifice trodden by Christ. (MM 20.3) MC VC
As I see so many claiming to be medical missionaries, the representation of what Christ was on this earth flashes before me. As I think of how far short the workers today fall when compared with the divine Example, my heart is bowed down with a sorrow that words cannot express. Will men and women ever do a work that bears the features and character of the great Medical Missionary? ... (MM 20.4) MC VC
Is there not woe enough in this sin-stricken, sin-cursed earth to lead us to consecrate ourselves to the work of proclaiming the message that “God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life?” John 3:16. This earth has been trodden by the Son of God. He came to bring men light and life, to set them free from the bondage of sin. He is coming again in power and great glory, to receive to Himself those who during this life have followed in His footsteps. (MM 20.5) MC VC
The Lord calls for men who are willing to yoke up with Christ and with their brethren; men who are willing to strive to be altogether that which they must be in order to carry forward the work of God intelligently; men who look to Jesus, complying with the invitation, “Come unto Me, ∙∙∙ and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” (Matthew 11:28~29)—Letter 13, 1902. (MM 47.1) MC VC
Shall Self Rule? VC
There is need for every physician closely and critically to examine himself. What is his religious experience? Does he allow self to rule? Does he make his own wishes and desires supreme? Does he keep the glory of God ever before him? Is he learning daily of Jesus? If this is your experience, those with whom you are connected will be led nearer to the Savior. Why? Because you are constantly beholding Him who is the way, the truth, and the life.... (MM 47.2) MC VC
Temptation to Feel Self-sufficient VC
I wish to say that there is danger of our physicians’ taking themselves into their own hands, thinking that they understand best what they should do. They think that those who offer them counsel do not understand their capabilities or appreciate their value. This is the stumbling stone over which some at least have fallen. You are not beyond the temptation of thinking that you can do better work alone than when linked up with your brethren. The very ones who think this are the ones who need the companionship and help of a fellow laborer. (MM 47.3) MC VC
My brother, the Lord needs your help in His work. Will you not be His helping hand? It would be a serious mistake for you to accept a worldly position, where it would not be possible for you to do the medical missionary work that God desires you to do. Do not make this mistake. Place yourself under the guidance of the greatest Medical Missionary the world has ever known. Under His direction you will gain increased capabilities for doing His work. (MM 47.4) MC VC
Behold the Eternal and the Unseen VC
We cannot keep our eyes fixed upon the things that are seen, and yet appreciate eternal realities. We need, and especially you who are so bound up with the afflictions and necessities of humanity, to keep the eye of faith beholding the eternal and unseen, that you may become more and more intelligent in regard to the great plan of God to bring these suffering ones to discern the value of the human soul. You are to esteem the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt. (MM 51.1) MC VC
Discouragements come to you, I know, and trials press upon your soul, and you almost forget that Jesus is your Helper, and that His eye is upon you every moment. In the working out of your plans for the blessing and relief of humanity ever bear in mind that it is not you who are doing the work. Christ requires you to wear His yoke, and lift His burdens. The great and sympathetic heart of Christ is ever identifying itself with suffering humanity. You cannot of your own self do anything. Regard yourself as an instrument in God’s hands, and let His mind, His peace, His grace, rule in heart and life. (MM 51.2) MC VC
Be God’s thread to work out His design. You can never handle yourself. You can never place yourself in position with any success. You must work as an agent cooperating with God. “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:12~13. Here are the combined elements, God and the human agent, both working harmoniously.—Letter 97, 1894. (MM 51.3) MC VC
Hiding Self in Christ VC
Dr. John Cheyne, while he rose to a high point in his profession, did not forget his obligations to God. He once wrote to a friend, “You may wish to know the condition of my mind. I am humbled in the dust by the thought that there is not one action of my busy life which will bear the eye of a holy God. But when I reflect on the invitation of the Redeemer, ‘Come unto Me,’ and that I have accepted this invitation; and, moreover, that my conscience testifies that I earnestly desire to have my will in all things conformed to the will of God, I have peace; I have the promised rest promised by Him in whom was found no guile.” (MM 51.4) MC VC
Christ can do nothing for those who are yoked up with the enemy. His invitation to us is, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28~30. When in our daily experience we learn His meekness and lowliness, we find rest. There is then no necessity to search for some mysterious science to soothe the sick. We already have the science which gives them real rest—the science of salvation, the science of restoration, the science of a living faith in a living Saviour.— Manuscript 105, 1901. (MM 117.1) MC VC
For Further Study VC
Mind Cure:
Counsels on Health, 344-346;
The Ministry of Healing, 241-260;
Testimonies for the Church 3:168, 169.
Relation of Mind to Body:
Counsels on Health, 28, 29.
Healing of Body Through the Mind:
Counsels on Health, 349, 350 (Testimonies for the Church 3:184).
Diseased Imagination, Instances of Effect of, on Various Disorders:
Testimonies For The Church 1:700;
Testimonies for the Church 2:523-536
Caused by Exciting Reading:
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 163, 164.
Power of the Will in Healing:
Counsels on Health, 94, 439, 440;
The Desire of Ages, 202, 20;
Testimonies for the Church 2:325, 428, 533.
Illustrated by Healing of Paralytic:
Testimonies for the Church 3:168, 169;
The Desire of Ages, 267-269.
Control of Imagination:
Counsels on Health, 95-97 (Testimonies for the Church 2:522-525).
Dealing With Spiritual Maladies:
Counsels on Health, 323-325.
Effect of Godliness on Health:
Counsels on Health, 627-630;
Testimonies for the Church 4:552-554.
Faith Destroyed by False Systems:
Testimonies For The Church 1:291, 296, 297.
Counterfeit Miracles:
Early Writings, 59, 60.
Clairvoyant and Magnetic Healers:
Prophets and Kings, 210, 211.
(MM 117)
A Mouthpiece for God VC
It is highly important to know how to approach the sick with the comfort of a hope gained through faith in Christ Jesus and acceptance of His promises. When the awakened conscience cries out, “Lord, be merciful to me a sinner;” Luke 18:13. “make me Thy child,” be ready to tell the sufferer, the once indifferent one, that there is hope for him, that in Jesus he will find a refuge. (MM 191.1) MC VC
The Saviour is inviting everyone, “Look unto Me, and live. Come unto Me, and find rest.” Those who in meekness and love present the hope of the gospel to afflicted souls so much in need of this hope, are the mouthpiece of the One who gave Himself for all mankind that He might become a healer, a tender, sympathetic, compassionate Saviour. Let every means be devised to bring about the saving of souls in our medical institutions. This is our work. If the spiritual work is left undone, there is no necessity of calling upon our people to build these institutions. Those who have no burning desire to save souls are not the ones who should connect with our sanitariums.—Letter 159, 1902. (MM 191.2) MC VC
The Workers Needed VC
The Lord wants wise men and women acting in the capacity of nurses to comfort and help the sick and suffering. Through the ministrations of these nurses, those who have heretofore taken no interest in religious things will be led to ask, “What must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:30. The sick will be led to Christ by the patient attention of nurses who anticipate their wants, and who bow in prayer and ask the great Medical Missionary to look with compassion upon the sufferer and to let the soothing influence of His grace be felt and His restoring power be exercised ∙∙∙ . (MM 191.3) MC VC