TDG 178.3
(This Day With God 178.3)
We shall show the greatest wisdom as we pass along, doing our work with fidelity, not swerving to the right hand or to the left, keeping a straightforward course, having our eye single to the glory of God. It is not how much feeling we manifest over injustice in treatment that evidences strength of character, but it is the self-control, the firm check put upon a strong emotion, that evidences strength of character and the spirit of Jesus. The tree of life in the midst of the paradise of God is to be given to the overcomer. It is the reward given to conquest, to toil and self-sacrifice, to the working Christian who will fight the good fight of faith. We must be nobly striving and fighting for the victory. The grace of Christ will be given to all who fight lawfully. (TDG 178.3) MC VC