TMK 51.4, 82.5, 120.1, 241.3, 288.4
(That I May Know Him 51.4, 82.5, 120.1, 241.3, 288.4)
Christ has weighed every human affliction, every human sorrow. He bears the weight of the yoke for every soul that yokes up with Him. He knows the sorrows which we feel to the depth of our being, and which we cannot express. If no human heart is aroused to sympathy for us, we need not feel that we are without sympathy. Christ knows; and He says, Look unto Me, and live. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). I have borne your griefs and carried your sorrows. You have the deepest, richest sympathy in the tender, pitying love of your Shepherd.... His humanity is not lost in the exalted character of His Omnipotence. He is ever longing to pour out His sympathy and love upon those whom He has chosen, and who will respond to His invitation. (TMK 51.4) MC VC
“By me,” said Christ, “if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture” (John 10:9). Let earth be glad, let the inhabitants of the world rejoice, that Christ has bridged the gulf which sin had made, and has bound earth and heaven together. A highway has been cast up for the ransomed of the Lord. The weary and heavy laden may come unto Him and find rest to their souls. The pilgrim may journey toward the mansions that He has gone to prepare for those who love Him. (TMK 82.5) MC VC
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. (TMK 120.1) MC VC
Look away from yourself to the perfection of Christ. We cannot manufacture a righteousness for ourselves. Christ has in His hands the pure robes of righteousness, and He will put them upon us. He will speak sweet words of forgiveness and promise. He presents to our thirsty souls fountains of living water whereby we may be refreshed. He bids us come unto Him with all our burdens, all our griefs, and He says we shall find rest.... (TMK 241.3) MC VC
Love for a lost world was manifested every day, in every act of His life. Those who are imbued by His Spirit will work in the same lines as those in which Christ worked. In Christ the light and love of God were manifested in human nature. No human being has ever possessed so sensitive a nature as did the sinless, holy One of God, who stood as head and representative of what humanity may become through the imparting of the divine nature. To those who believe in Christ as their personal Saviour, He imputes His merit and imparts His power. To those who come to Him with their burden of grief, disappointments, and trials, He will give rest and peace. It is through the grace of Christ that the soul sees his need of repentance toward God..., and is led to look to Christ by faith, realizing that His merit is efficacious to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by Him.... Let us open our hearts to receive the love which it is so essential that we should cultivate in order that we may fulfill the commandments of God. (TMK 288.4) MC VC